◘ mysqldump : 백업

: mysqldump 명령어를 이용해서 DB의 내용이나 DB자체를 백업 할 수 있다.


- mysqldump [옵션] DB명 [table명] > 백업파일

- mysqldump [옵션] --databases [옵션] DB명1, DB명2, .... > 백업파일

- mysqldump [옵션] --all-databases [옵션] > 백업파일


▪ 옵션

-A, --all-databases : 모든 DB를 덤프

--add-locks : 덤프 전에 lock 덤프 후에 unlock

--add-drop-table : 덤프 이후에 출력물의 앞에 drop table 명령 추가 (복구할 때 사용)

-B, --databases : 여러 DB를 동시에 덤프 할 때 사용

-f, --force : 에러를 무시

-h, --host : 지정한 호스트의 데이터를 덤프

-t : data만 덤프

-d : 데이터를 제외하고 스키마만 덤프

-p : 사용자의 암호를 지정

-P : 포트번호 지정

-u : 사용자명 지정



<실습> 계정 : root , 암호 : 12345

1. 전체 DB를 모두 backup 해보자.

mysqldump -u root -p -A > total.db

2. school DB만 backup

mysqldump -u root -p school > total.db

3. school의 student table 만 backup

mysqldump -u root -p school student > total.db

4. school의 table 구조만 backup

mysqldump -u root -p -d school > total.db



◘ Data만을 백업

▪ 문법

select [column명 , 결과 양식]

into outfile '경로 및 파일명‘

[fields terminated by '종단문자‘]

from [table명]

[where [조건]]


기본적으로 column 간의 구별은 Tab을 이용하지만 사용자가 임의로 ‘종단문자’를 지정할 수 있다.




▪ student table의 내용의 column 구분은 ‘|’로 하고 성이 마씨인 학생만을 ‘/root/student.dat로 저장해보자.

select *

into outfile '/root/student.dat'

fields terminated by '|'

from student

where sname like '마%‘




◘ 복구

: 백업된 내용의 복구는 mysql 명령어나 mysqladmin 명령어를 이용한다.



▪ linux라는 DB를 백업한 파일이 linux.db 라면,

$ mysqladmin -u root -p12345 drop linux

$ mysqladmin -u root -p12345 create linux

$ mysql -u root -p12345 linux < linux.db




◘ myisamchk : 에러 검사 및 복구

- myisamchk [옵션] table명


▪ 옵션

-c : 에러 점검

-e : 상세한 검사

-f : 에러 검사 후 -r 옵션으로 재시작

-r : 에러 복구

-o : -r로 복구가 안되는 경우 복구




▪ mysql의 user table을 검사

$ cd /user/local/mysql/var/mysql //검사할 디렉토리로 이동

$ myisamchk -V // 현재 버전확인

$myisamchk -c user // user table 검사

<참고> root의 암호를 잊어버린 경우

▪ MySQL을 몽땅 지우고 새로 설치...orz (단, data는 백업받아둔다.)

▪ mysqld_safe를 실행 할 때 --skip-grant-table 옵션을 준다.

ex) mysqld_safe --skip-grant-table &

-->암호 없이 mysql을 진행 할 수 있다.








<Spencer>Why be normal?


Posted by '김용환'

중형서버에서 톰캣 8개를 띄워놓고, 제대로 동작되는지 확인하고 싶었다.

mod_jk.conf 에서 debug 레벨을 debug로 수정하고, 아파치 restart 하였다.



그리고, 로그를 확인한다. 워커가 정상적으로 선택되는지 알 수 있당~

tail -f mod_jk.log | grep "found best worker"


[Thu Apr 17 17:17:28 2008] [15701:9920] [debug] get_most_suitable_worker::jk_lb_worker.c (600): found best worker tomcat8010 (tomcat8010) using method 'Request'
[Thu Apr 17 17:17:30 2008] [15701:9920] [debug] get_most_suitable_worker::jk_lb_worker.c (600): found best worker tomcat8011 (tomcat8011) using method 'Request'
[Thu Apr 17 17:17:30 2008] [15700:9920] [debug] get_most_suitable_worker::jk_lb_worker.c (600): found best worker tomcat8012 (tomcat8012) using method 'Request'
[Thu Apr 17 17:17:30 2008] [15702:9920] [debug] get_most_suitable_worker::jk_lb_worker.c (600): found best worker tomcat8013 (tomcat8013) using method 'Request'
[Thu Apr 17 17:17:31 2008] [15702:9920] [debug] get_most_suitable_worker::jk_lb_worker.c (600): found best worker tomcat8014 (tomcat8014) using method 'Request'
[Thu Apr 17 17:17:31 2008] [15700:9920] [debug] get_most_suitable_worker::jk_lb_worker.c (600): found best worker tomcat8015 (tomcat8015) using method 'Request'
[Thu Apr 17 17:17:33 2008] [15700:9920] [debug] get_most_suitable_worker::jk_lb_worker.c (600): found best worker tomcat8016 (tomcat8016) using method 'Request'
[Thu Apr 17 17:17:33 2008] [15704:9920] [debug] get_most_suitable_worker::jk_lb_worker.c (600): found best worker tomcat8014 (tomcat8014) using method 'Request'
[Thu Apr 17 17:17:33 2008] [15702:9920] [debug] get_most_suitable_worker::jk_lb_worker.c (600): found best worker tomcat8015 (tomcat8015) using method 'Request'
[Thu Apr 17 17:17:33 2008] [15702:9920] [debug] get_

Posted by '김용환'

조엘오스틴의 4월 16일 Today's Word


Stay Connected

Today's Scripture

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart form me you can do nothing” (John 15:5).

Today's Word from Joel and Victoria

Do you need more power and strength in your life today? When you are connected to the Father through Jesus, you are connected to your life source. Just as a branch is sustained by the vine it’s attached to, we are sustained by being attached to Him. If you think about how fruit grows, it doesn’t just happen over night; it takes time and the right conditions. In the same way, the spiritual fruit in your own life develops over time, too. You might be tempted to get discouraged if you aren’t seeing “fruit” as quickly as you’d like, but be encouraged today! If you’ll keep your heart humble before the Lord and stay connected to Him through prayer and studying His Word, you’ll see that fruit begin to form in your life just as He promised! You’ll see the fruit of joy, which is strength. You’ll see the fruit of love and peace, which will sustain you in the midst of difficulty. As you stay connected to Him, you’ll be empowered and equipped for every circumstance, and you’ll live as an overcomer in every area of your life!

A Prayer for Today

Father in heaven, I humbly come before You. I recognize that You are the source for everything I need in this life. Keep me close to You always and turn my heart and mind toward Your ways. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Posted by '김용환'



Posted by '김용환'

bash와 perl, c언어에서의 파라미터 옵션 파싱 코드를 잘 정리한 문서가 있어서 소개한다.
실제로 이렇게 사용하고 있으므로 알고 있는 것이 좋다.


Options Parsing

Options parsing can be difficult at times to say the least. There exist a number of common methods and libraries to assist with options parsing. In this text, a look at writing option and argument parsing homespun and with a little help.

Simple Parsing in sh

Simple parsing is easy in the shell:

while [ "$#" -gt "0" ]
case $1 in
exit 0
echo "Syntax Error"
exit 1

Above, the input string is iterated over and particular options act or assign a variable. The posix getopt capability allows for built in - parsing:

while getopts ":f:Fu" opt; do
case $opt in
F) F_FLAG=1;;
u) usage;;
*) usage
exit 1

A colon after an option indicates it requires an argument. The getopt code is far more compact than the first example. What if the script requires long options? One approach is simply to hard code long options:

while [ "$#" -gt "0" ]
case $1 in
exit 0
echo "Syntax Error"
exit 1

Setting up long options appears to be simple, however, it can quickly get out of control using the method show above. Instead, writing code to handle long options that can either be sourced in or easily dropped into scripts makes far more sense. Grigoriy Strokin has a good script that can either be copied in or sourced and can be found on his website. Following is the same code from above using getoptex:

. getoptx.sh
while getoptex "F; f; u. setflag file usage." "$@"; do
F) F_FLAG=1;;
u) usage;;
*) usage
exit 1

It is pretty obvious that the single character is mapped to the the long option past the first . and the full terminator is the second dot. Of course, there is an even easier method as long as a few rules are observed:

while [ "$#" -gt "0" ]
opt=$(echo "${opt}" | cut -c 1 2>/dev/null)
case $opt in
F) F_FLAG=1;;
f) shift;FILE_ARGUMENT=$1;;
u) usage;;
*) usage; exit 1;;

The problem with the last method is the long options are not hard-coded, the first character of the alpha string is cut and used as an option. In other words, --help and --heck will do the same thing. The idea is harmless except no options can be mixed and matched. Generally speaking, not having a --help and --heck valid in the same script or program should be avoided if possible.

Options in Perl

With no case statement built in, doing options parsing in Perl can be a little tricky. Using the same example from the shell code above a simple options parser might look like: [ 1 ]

while ( my $arg = shift @ARGV ) {
if ( $arg eq '-F' ) {
$F_FLAG = 1;
} elsif ( $arg eq '-f' ) {
} elsif ( $arg eq '-u' ) {
} else {
exit 1;

Relative to the shell, Perl seems a bit heavy handed in the amount of work needed. In Perl the options for handling are almost limitless. Associative arrays, hashes, arrays or just plain scalars arranged a certain way could be used.

Of course, another great thing about Perl is how simplistic string operations are handled. Using a method similar to the last shell method above can simplify the code a great deal:

for (my $argc = 0; $argc <= @ARGV; $argc++) {
$opt = $ARGV[$argc];
$opt =~ s/--//; # Get rid of 2 dashes
$opt =~ s/-//; # Get rid of 1 dash
$opt = substr($opt,0,1); # cut the first char
if ($opt eq 'F') {
} elsif ($opt eq 'f') {
} elsif ($opt eq 'u') {
} else {
exit 1;

Of course, the same two problems from the shell-code which cuts out the first alphanumeric exists; no two long options can start with the same letter and there is no verification of long options. Not unlike the shell, a simple list can be used to verify that long options are valid, following is an example sub routine:

my @valid_optlongs=("setflag", "file", "usage");
my @valid_optshort=("F", "f", "u");
sub parseopt{
my ($opt) = shift;

$opt =~ s/--//; # Get rid of 2 dashes
$opt =~ s/-//; # Get rid of 1 dash

if (scalar($opt) > 1) {
for ($i = 0; $i < @valid_optlongs; $i++) {
if ($opt eq $valid_optlongs[$i]) {
return $valid_optshort[$i];
} else {
return $opt;

Essentially instead of just trimming out the first valid alphanumeric, if the option is a long option check it against the list of valid long options and return the matching single byte option the long option correlates to.

Ultimately, using the getopt module should be done if it is available, why reinvent the wheel? Here is an example of using the Getopt module:

use Getopt::Std;
getopt ('f:uF');

die "Usage: $0 [ -f filename -u ]\n"
unless ( $opt_f or $opt_u );

if ($opt_f) {
my $filename = shift @ARGV;
} elsif ($opt_u) {
exit 0;

Definitely shorter and compact.

Parsing Options in C

The oldest high level programming language - not unlike Perl - has many different approaches a programmer can take without using libraries:

main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
if (argc < 2) {
printf("usage: %s number-of-execs sbrk-size job-name\n",

int main (argc, argv) {
for (c = 0; c <=argc; c++) {
if (argc[c] == 'F') {

libc offers up two levels of built in options handling, one for single options and one for long options. Since the options handling routines are in modern implementation, the examples will use GNU's version.

Short Options in C

#include <getopt.h>
int main (int argc, char **argv)
int c;
char * file;

while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "F:f:u:")) != -1) {
switch (c) {
case 'F':
case 'f':
file = optarg;
case 'u':
return 0;
return 1;

Far more succinct than what may have happened using the previous C examples which would have been pretty spaghetti'd. Long options are even more interesting. The GNU C library internally handles assignment of long options by using the single alpha as the key inside of a data structure:

#include <getopt.>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
while (1)
static struct option long_options[] =
{"setflag", no_argument, 0, 'F' },
{"file", required_argument, 0, 'f' },
{"usage", no_argument, 0, 'u' },
{0,0,0,0} /* This is a filler for -1 */

int option_index = 0;

c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "F:f:u:", long_options, &option_index);

if (c == -1) break;

switch (c) {
case 'F':
case 'f':
file = optarg;
case 'u':
return 0;
return 1;

Short, sweet and to the point.


Sometimes parsing can be extremely simple, adding long options and flag setting to the mix can be daunting when writing from the ground up, luckily libraries and modules exist to help along the way.


  1. Special thanks to Matt Mr. Muskrat Musgrove for suggesting showing the Perl Getopt module and writing some nice examples of well formed code. The first example belongs to Matt.


'unix and linux' 카테고리의 다른 글

CentOS, Red hat Enterprise Edition 단상  (0) 2008.06.05
서비스 장애  (0) 2008.05.03
rsync FAQ  (0) 2008.04.10
ssh 로그인할 때, 암호 안물어보게 하기  (0) 2008.03.28
Redhat 리눅스 버젼 보기  (0) 2008.03.28
Posted by '김용환'

흑인 아버지, 그리고 백인 어머니.. 그를 임신했을 때는 엄마 나이 17살..
부모님은 그녀가 솔직히 임신에 대해서 고백했지만, 그녀의 부모는 낙태를 권유했다..
그녀는 애기를 살리기 위해서 집을 나왔다.... 원래 살던 아이오와 주를 떠났다.
그러다가. 그저... 할 수 있는 것이 없었따..
그녀는 길을 방황하다가 캘리포니아에서 만난 한 전도자를 통해서 인생이 바뀌었다.

"예수님은 당신을 사랑하세요....."
I don’t know you, and I don’t want to give you a hard time, but I was driving by and I really felt that I needed to come tell you Jesus loves you. You’re not forgotten. You did the right thing. It’s going to be all right

그러면서 그 전도자는 그녀에게 위로하고, 성경책을 선물하였다.

성경책을 읽으면서, 그녀는 성경에서 자주 나오는 단어 이스라엘을.... 흑인 아들에게 이름을 붙여 주었다.

그녀는 흑인 애기를 낳은 지 1년 후 지역 교회의 목사와 결혼하고, 인생이 바뀌게 되었다.
그렇게 태어난 애기는 음악적인 놀라운 재능이 있었고,...  하나님께 헌신한 음악적 사역자가 된다.
New Breed 와 함께 하나님의 일을 한다.

그는 그래미상을 두번이나 타게 된다.
또한 조엘 오스틴이 있는 레이크우드 교회에서 음악 사역자로서 활동하고 있다.

그가 하는 모든 사역에서 하나님이 손길이 있다.

한국에서 유명하지 않지만.. 그의 곡에서 엄청난 영성이 느껴진다.
자세한 얘기는 아래의 영어 인터부에서 확인할 수 있다. 이래서 영어 공부하는 맛이 난다.. ㅎㅎ

한글 참조 : http://25hours.tistory.com/entry/이스라엘-휴톤-Turn-it-around

출처 :


Israel Houghton: An Intimate Portrait of Worship

By Kristi Watts and Julie Blim
The 700 Club

CBN.comIn this interview with Lisa Ryan, Joel Osteen’s worship leader shares how he went from a likely abortion statistic to a true friend of God.

LISA RYAN: You had a difficult start in life. You could have easily been an abortion statistic.

ISRAEL HOUGHTON: I could have. My mother is white. My biological father is black. When my mother was 17, she got pregnant. They lived in Waterloo, Iowa, which at the time in 1971 was a very segregated society. She came home and told her parents, ‘I’m pregnant and the father is black.’ They had a really difficult time with it.

The suggestion was, ‘Have an abortion. Move on with your life.’ She was a terrific concert pianist, she had everything ahead of her, and in a lot of ways had every reason to go, ‘Let’s just chalk this up as a mistake and move on.’ She said, ‘No, no, I’m going to keep this baby.’ She ended up kind of getting shunned for a good chunk of her life after that and didn’t have a lot of contact with her parents.

When she was eight months pregnant, her and my father split up. So, if you get the picture, it’s 17,000 miles from home, she is pregnant with a black man’s baby that the state of California is getting ready to take away from her because she was considered an unfit mother, and she was on drugs. It was like the perfect Lifetime movie.

God sovereignly knew what was going on and made it such that this lady came up to her out of the blue and said, ‘I don’t know you, and I don’t want to give you a hard time, but I was driving by and I really felt that I needed to come tell you Jesus loves you. You’re not forgotten. You did the right thing. It’s going to be all right.’

Those words of life were so powerful to her and so revolutionary to her that she got on her knees on the street corner on Carlsbad Avenue, out of San Diego, and gave her life to the Lord. I’m here today because of that woman’s faithfulness to God to share the gospel with my mother.

LISA RYAN: How did your background and circumstances affect your relationship with God?

ISRAEL HOUGHTON: When I was 7, I met my grandfather for the first time, who was the same guy who told my mother, ‘You got to move on.’ I saw my cousins and my younger siblings running up and jumping on his lap and hanging out. A great time was being had by all. So I thought, Let me do the same thing. Well, I ran and jumped up on his lap, and the next thing I knew, I was on my back. He had pushed me to the ground. He had still not been able to make peace with this cultural thing. I just said, ‘What’s wrong with me? Why?’

Later on you’d hear, especially when worship started taking shape, you know, Kent Henry was one of those worship leaders, ‘Hey, just crawl into your Father’s lap and let Him love you.’ And I’m sitting there going, I’m having a difficult time with that.

You want to think you’ve moved on from that, but at the same time, the intimacy of worship with God, it affected me. I realized, You’ve gone through all of this, not to hurt you but to shape you, to be acquainted with the pain that a lot of people feel. So it has shaped my life incredibly by just diving into the Father’s love and encouraging others to do it -- not trivializing the pain that a lot of people who come to church and come to a concert or whatever are feeling, but just the sensitivity to where people are at and helping them come into a place of breaking through into what God really has for them.

When you read Psalm 139, it throws out all the ‘I’m here accidentally’ stuff that I believed for so long. I felt like an accident. I felt like a mistake. But when you understand, ‘I’m fearfully and wonderfully made; I’m skillfully crafted; how precious are your thoughts toward me; how marvelous are your works,’ when you start considering all that and going, Ok, I didn’t just sneak into the earth, I was created for something great, the more I dwell on that, the more I meditate on that, the more I share that with people who want to hear it, the better I feel about why I’m here.

I love being home. My first ministry is in this house. The church that I pastor is right here. My congregation consists of Malaysia, Mariah, Duncan, and Mylonlily, and everything else is secondary, including Lakewood.

I believe that if I don’t take care of my family as a great leader and husband and father, I could have all kinds of accolades and awards and a big mantle up there or something with a bunch of statuettes, but if my children don’t respect me, if I haven’t been a good husband, then that’s all a joke to me.

My first real experience with worship, I was 19. I was playing drums in the church band at a church in Phoenix, and they asked me to be the worship leader. They had heard me sing or something and they said, ‘Why don’t you consider leading worship for us?’ I said something like, ‘I’ll pray about that.’ He said, ‘Pray hard because you start tonight!’ Honestly, I didn’t know what I was doing. I was like Ron Kenoly Jr. -- I knew three Ron Kenoly songs, and I sang them every service, for weeks. Finally, this lady came up to me and she said, ‘You might want to go find your sound and go find who you are.’ My first real experience of just knowing this is what I was born for, this is what I was created for, I took my piano in to the kitchen because I had tile on the kitchen floor, and it was great acoustics in there and I would just worship. Four, five, and six hours would go by, and I’d sit there weeping and crying and having this conversation with God all by myself. I like to say I was doing worship before it was popular. I was doing worship as a lifestyle before it was a section at the bookstore.

When I started getting into the recording industry, I would hear, ‘Choose a style,’ and I used to say, ‘How about we just put it all together?’ Because when we get to heaven, there’s not going to be sections -- ‘This is the black section of heaven. This is the white section of heaven. What kind of music do you like? Well you’re going to be over in that room.’

I believe the Kingdom has a sound. I believe glory has a sound. So I want to be a part of doing it. I believe it’s a very multi-cultural mix of sound and style and lyric and melody and everything else.

LISA RYAN: What do you hope is accomplished in people’s lives through your worship?

ISRAEL HOUGHTON: Ultimately hope, which ultimately leads to transformation. I believe worship has the power to change. The environment has the power to change a life. People need hope.

I want to give good news to people. I want people to experience hope, and if somebody could lift their hands and say, ‘I am a friend of God,’ whether they felt like they were or not. The word says, ‘You are’, so walk in that. The more they sing it, the more they believe it, the more healing that comes to them.

I love watching the transformation. I love watching the guy who came to church because his wife forced him to and he’s standing there, he’s got his arms folded, and we go, ‘Lord, we lift our hands to You.’ And he’s like, I’m not doing that. You get to the end of the service, and somehow this guy has begun to cry. He’s got his hands lifted up. He doesn’t know what’s happening. I think worship and the Word of God has so much to do with that.

LISA RYAN: What does the future hold for you? What are some things that you want to accomplish?

ISRAEL HOUGHTON: I want to build a dynasty that speaks of what I’m building along the way and what I’m leaving behind, as opposed to a destiny that speaks of my destination, of where I’m ultimately going with this, of the fact that I hope I’m going to go to heaven and it’s going to be great. My goal is not just to get to heaven, but to truly build something lasting. So the songs I write, the people whose lives I touch, I want it to be a lasting thing. I’m more interested in building a legacy and a dynasty with my children and with spiritual sons and daughters that God gives me opportunity to lead and to mentor and to inspire. I want it to be something that brings honor and glory to the Lord. I want Him to smile and go, ‘That’s My boy right there. That’s My friend right there.” If I could be a friend of God by just doing what He called me to do while I’m here and doing it in a maximized way, then I’m going to.

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Turn it around  (1) 2008.04.13
Dikembe Mutombo  (0) 2008.04.11
Posted by '김용환'
I love this song. It's my confess.


Who am I that you are mindful of me?
That you hear me, when I call
Is it true that you are thinking of me?
How you love me! It's amazing!!!

I am a friend of God!!!
I am a friend of God!!!
I am a friend of God,
He calls me friend!!!

God Almighty, Lord of Glory
You have called me friend!!!
In Passion 2007

In Lakewood Church

In KOSTA2007

Saddleback Church

여기는 기타 악보

'영어앤영문권' 카테고리의 다른 글

You are Good - Nichole Nordeman  (0) 2008.04.26
Who is Israel Houghton?  (1) 2008.04.13
Turn it around  (1) 2008.04.13
Dikembe Mutombo  (0) 2008.04.11
Just wait a second  (0) 2008.04.11
Posted by '김용환'

Turn it around

영어앤영문권 2008. 4. 13. 11:03

Joel Osteen 목사님이 있는 Lakewood 교회에서 매주 예배를 인도하는 이스라엘 휴튼이 만든 곡이다.
한국에서는 아직 번역곡으로 안 불리는 것 같다.

우선 곡을 들어보시라~

Turn it around open the windows of Heaven
pour out a blessing overflow
Turn it around open the windows of Heaven
pour out a blessing we cannot contain
let it rain let it rain

All things are possible for you
all things are possible
nothing's too difficult for you
nothing's to difficult  * 2

I'm ready for change
ready for rain
ready for favor
I know you able to

Chorus: Turn it around open the windows of Heaven
pour out a blessing overflow
turn it around
open the windows of Heaven
pour out a blessing we cannot contain
let it rain let it rain

You have turned my mourning to dancing you've turned my sorrow to joy you have turned my whole life around
thank you thank you Lord

'영어앤영문권' 카테고리의 다른 글

Who is Israel Houghton?  (1) 2008.04.13
Friend of God - Israel Houghton  (0) 2008.04.13
Dikembe Mutombo  (0) 2008.04.11
Just wait a second  (0) 2008.04.11
조엘 오스틴 목사님의 매주 말씀 선포전 고백  (0) 2008.04.11
Posted by '김용환'

Dikembe Mutombo

영어앤영문권 2008. 4. 11. 09:32
휴스턴 로켓츠에서 정말 훌륭한 선수였으며, 의사였고, 사회를 위해서 헌신한 사람이 있습니다.
의학외 4개의 학위가 있다고 합니다. 게다가 지금까지도 농구를 한다는 ㅡ.ㅡ;;;;
그리고, 병원도 세우는 사람이었다.

사실 그는 기도를 했다고 합니다. 키를 크게 되면 하나님과 사람들에게 헌신을 한다고 했다는 군요. #381 조엘 오스틴 목사님의 설교를 들으면 나옵니다.
그래서, 잠깐 정보를 살펴보았는데.. 장난이 아니군요.. ^^ 멋진 사나이의 얘기 ~~~

이 사람에 대한 정보는 얘기에 있고,

이 사람에 대한 좋은 뉴스는 이것이다.

Mutombo's dream of Congo hospital nears reality

NEW YORK — Dikembe Mutombo will fulfill a lifelong dream soon, opening a hospital in the Congo named for his late mother.

The Houston Rockets center, who donated $15 million to the project, will open the doors to the Biamba Marie Mutombo Hospital and Research Center on Sept. 2. The 300-bed hospital will provide health care to people in Kinshasa, capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo, where Mutombo was born.

"We were very close," Mutombo said today in a telephone interview. "To do something of this caliber in the name of your beloved mom, it will mean a lot not just to me but to the people of Congo."

He created the Dikembe Mutombo Foundation in 1997, the year his 64-year-old mother died. She was unable to get to the hospital because streets were closed due to civil unrest. His father, Samuel, was turned back from the hospital, just 10 minutes away.

"My mom played a big role, giving us all the tools to make us great human beings," Mutombo said of his nine siblings. "She did what moms are supposed to do — raise a child with a good understanding of life."

The $29 million hospital and research center will include a pediatric wing, surgery suites and a women's center.

The health care crisis continues in the Congo, where one of five children dies before age 5. Malaria, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, measles and cholera have reached epidemic proportions and continue to infect millions of adults and children. The average life expectancy is 42 years for men and 47 for women.

"Malaria is taking more lives than any other disease, especially children under age 5," he said.

Mutombo had a life-threatening bout of malaria after returning from the Congo in 1999. He had a "huge headache" and passed out after an early season game. His temperature rose to 104 degrees while at a suburban Boston hospital, but after 12 hours the doctors couldn't determine what was wrong until a Kenyan intern entered his room.

"Brother, are you from Africa?" she asked. "Which spot?"

When she heard Congo, she asked if he'd been home lately. He'd been back the previous month.

"She saved my life," Mutombo said. "We got the malaria results 40 minutes later. We waited two hours for the malaria medicine from the CDC (in Atlanta). I wish I knew her name to thank her."

Mutombo came to the U.S. in 1987 on an academic scholarship to attend Georgetown. As a premed major, he expected to return to the Congo as a doctor.

In his second year, Georgetown basketball coach John Thompson invited the 7-foot-2 Mutombo to try out for the team. He grew up loving soccer, but eventually came around to basketball under Thompson's guidance.

"He took me by his wing," Mutombo said. "He made me who I became today, he's like a father figure to me. I don't call him 'Coach,' I call him 'Pop.' He gave me all the tools to succeed — maturity and education."

Georgetown was ranked No. 1 and reached the final eight twice in his three years of play. He was Big East defensive player of the year, averaging 15.2 points, 12.2 rebounds and 4.71 blocks his senior year.

College basketball altered his plans to become a doctor, and he graduated instead with degrees in linguistics and diplomacy. He speaks English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and five African dialects.

Mutombo has averaged 10.6 points and 10.8 rebounds in his 15-year career.

Now he's satisfied to assist on the medical front. His goal is to get 100,000 people to contribute $10 a month on his Web site to support the hospital and research.

"I'm still a doctor, serving the people," Mutombo said.

On the Web: www.DMF.org.


이 포스트를.. 파일로 저장 수정 삭제

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'영어앤영문권' 카테고리의 다른 글

Friend of God - Israel Houghton  (0) 2008.04.13
Turn it around  (1) 2008.04.13
Just wait a second  (0) 2008.04.11
조엘 오스틴 목사님의 매주 말씀 선포전 고백  (0) 2008.04.11
영어 공부엔 말씀과 기도가 최고  (0) 2008.04.10
Posted by '김용환'

A man was praying to god.

He said, "God?"
God responded, "Yes?"
And the Guy said, "Can I ask a question?"
"Go right ahead", God said.
"God, what is a million years to you?"
God said, "A million years to me is only a second."
The man wondered.
Then he asked, "God, what is a million dollars worth to you?"
God said, "A million dollars to me is a penny."
So the man said, "God can I have a penny?"
And God cheerfully said,
"Sure!.......just wait  a second."

Posted by '김용환'