아두이노와 MS 의 파트너쉽 체결
2015.4.30일에 ms와 arduino간의 파트너쉽이 체결되었다. windows 10이 세계 최초로 arduino에 포팅되는 첫번째 운영체제가 될 수 있을 것 같다. 좋은 IDE도 있어서 기대된다.
출처 : http://blog.arduino.cc/2015/04/30/microsoft-and-arduino-new-partnership/
* windows get started
* window remote arduino
* window visual shields
Arduino Partnership
* “Arduino Certified” Windows 10 enables developers to make devices that combine the hardware-driving capability of Arduino with the software capabilities of Windows. An example might be a security camera. One could build a camera using Arduino to power the motor controls to tilt/turn the camera and using Universal Windows Platform one can create great UI, connect the camera to the cloud, process the image for motion detection and add facial/voice recognition. The work we have done on Windows 10 is the bridge between the Universal Windows Platform and Arduino hardware. The initial release includes two key capabilities:
* Windows Virtual Shield for Arduino enables developers to tap into the incredible power of Windows 10 devices through wireless protocols. A Lumia 530 contains well over $200-worth of Arduino shield sensors and capabilities, and we’ve made it easy to access all of those sensors and capabilities from an Arduino as if they were standard hardware shields. Imagine being able to create an Arduino project that includes GPS, Web connectivity/parsing, touch display, speech technologies and more. We’re particularly fond of the picture the weather project we’ve created that lets you bring your children’s drawings to life.
With Windows Remote Arduino we’re enabling developers to extend their Universal Windows Application with Arduino commands that execute on a wirelessly-connected Arduino device. It combines the power of Windows 10 device features such as image processing, speech recognition, website parsing, cameras and advanced audio pipelines with the power of physical world interactivity through Arduino. Take a look at our Basic Windows Remote Arduino project to learn how to leverage this technology in your own projects.