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Oracle java utiltiy 유료 전략

'김용환' 2015. 2. 9. 14:19

jdk 7u40, jdk 8u20 부터는 오라클 java에 java mission control (jmc)/ flight recoder 라는 툴이 새로 추가되었다. Oracle이 JRokit 사를 인수하면서 얻은 바이너리들이 추가되었는데, 이는 Free가 아니다. 

jmc에 대해서는 local에서 실행시킬 수 있는 분석툴인대, 명확한 pricing에 대한 문구는 없다. 개발일때는 무료라고 적혀 있을 뿐, 상용툴에서 대해서는 정확히 나와있지는 않다.

또한, flight recoder는 서버 실행시 옵션 주어서 실행시킬 수 있는데, 버전 동영상 보면 time machine 처럼 특정 시간대별로 저장할 수 있다. pricing 관련해서는 명확치는 않지만, 아래 infoq 링크에 따르면 개발 버전이 아닌 상용 버전에서는 프로세스당 최소 5000 $(또는 15000$)을 내야 쓸 수 있는 툴이라 한다. 

오라클이 명확한 pricing을 내어놓지는 않지만, 기술 License list(http://www.oracle.com/us/corporate/pricing/technology-price-list-070617.pdf)에 따르면 Oralce DB 처럼 Java Platform Product 로 상용 프로덕트로 정의하는 것으로 보인다.

앞으로 Oracle java의 utiltiy의 license를 신경써야 할 듯...

관련 자료

Java Mission Control (JMC) 5.2 Release Notes
Java Mission Control (JMC) is a commercial feature available for java users with a commercial License.
JDK 7u40 includes the first release of Java Mission Control (JMC) that is bundled with the Hotspot JVM. For more information, see JMC Release Notes

Java Mission Control
This JDK release includes Java Mission Control (JMC) version 5.4. For more information, see JMC 5.4 Release Notes


To use Flight Recorder, the server VM needs to be started with: -XX:+UnlockCommercialFeatures -XX:+FlightRecorder This already indicates that these new capabilities require a license. Technically however there isn't a check, and a license file doesn't have to exist. Rather the license is a contractual agreement, which requires a Java SE Advanced or Java SE Suite, which are priced according to the Oracle Price List for 5k / 15k USD per processor for production systems. Test or development systems do not need a license, but still require the UnlockCommercialFeatures flag. It is unclear whether Mission Control itself requires a license. The documentation suggests that it can be freely used also on OpenJDK VMs, as long as Mission Control is not run on a production system which requires the per processor license. Hopefully Oracle can clarify the situation.




Java Mission Control is free for development (see: Oracle Binary Code License Agreement for the Java SE Platform Products and JavaFX ("B. SOFTWARE INTERNAL USE FOR DEVELOPMENT LICENSE GRANT").
For development you can use the: -XX:+UnlockCommercialFeatures -XX:+FlightRecorderflag to unlock the Flight Recorder.
If you would like to use Java Mission Control in production, you will have to buy the Java SE Advanced (Desktop / Advanced / Suite) license:http://www.oracle.com/us/corporate/pricing/technology-price-list-070617.pdf


Java Mission Control (JMC) 5.2 Release Notes
Java Mission Control (JMC) is a commercial feature available for java users with a commercial License.
JDK 7u40 includes the first release of Java Mission Control (JMC) that is bundled with the Hotspot JVM. For more information, see JMC Release Notes.

Download and Install
Java Mission Control is available free of charge for development. For more information, see theOracle® Java Mission Control home page.