
cassandra 운영 툴 - ops center, dev center

'김용환' 2013. 11. 26. 17:09

cassandra 운영 툴 중에 ops center, dev center가 있다.

dev center는 cql query tool이다. sqlyog 같은 류이다.  ops center는 모니터링 및 매니징 tool이다. 

이 툴을 이용하면 로컬에서 모니터링 및 개발이 쉽게 도와주는 tool이라 할 수 있다. 

관련 license는 다음과 같다.

By downloading and using DevCenter, you agree that your access to and use of DevCenter is governed by the terms applicable to Licensed Software under a “No-Fee” or “Trial” license under the DataStax End User General Terms provided, however that you may use the Licensed Software in production, not just for non-production evaluation purposes.

2. Trial License

Subject to this Agreement, and as long as you have no Licensed Software deployed in production environments, DataStax grants you a royalty-free license to use the Licensed Software for an unlimited number of Nodes, only for internal, non-production, evaluation purposes (a “Trial License”). DataStax reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to terminate any Trial License. All Trial Licenses terminate without notice when you move any Licensed Software into production. Please note that under a Trial License DataStax provides the Licensed Software to you free of charge, and on that basis, to the fullest extent permitted by law, DataStax provides it “as-is,” and without any warranty or support.