[cassandra] select count(*) 구하기
cassandra에서 테이블의 row 개수를 구하려면, 다음과 같은 cql을 사용할 수 있다.
select count(*) from table
하지만, 대용량 데이터가 존재한다면, timeout이 발생한다.
이를 위해 timeout를 설정할 수 있지만, 성능 이슈가 발생할 수 있으니..
cqlsh --request-timeout="60"이라고 지정할 수 있다.
--request-timeout="timeout" CQL request timeout in seconds; default: 10
하지만, 문제는 성능 이슈이다..
(서비스에서 매번 카운트를 불러 읽는 경우라면 따로 cassandra counter를 이용해 구현하는 것이 좋다. hbase나 cassandra에 카운트 계산을 매번 호출하는 것은 위험한 작업이다!!)
대용량 데이터의 row 개수를 구할 수 있는 또 다른 방법은 nodetool을 이용하는 것이다.
nodetool cfstat를 사용해서 테이블의 Number of keys(estimate)를 확인하면 대략적인 내용을 확인할 수 있다.
추정치 값은 아래 cassandra 코드를 따라 들어가 확인할 수 있다.
데이터 스트림 크기를 기반으로 hyperloglog 계산을 이용한 추정치이기 때문에 신뢰할만하다.
Object estimatedPartitionCount = probe.getColumnFamilyMetric(keyspaceName, tableName, "EstimatedPartitionCount");
if (Long.valueOf(-1L).equals(estimatedPartitionCount))
estimatedPartitionCount = 0L;
statsTable.numberOfKeysEstimate = estimatedPartitionCount;
* Retrieve ColumnFamily metrics
* @param ks Keyspace for which stats are to be displayed or null for the global value
* @param cf ColumnFamily for which stats are to be displayed or null for the keyspace value (if ks supplied)
* @param metricName View {@link TableMetrics}.
public Object getColumnFamilyMetric(String ks, String cf, String metricName)
ObjectName oName = null;
if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(ks) && !Strings.isNullOrEmpty(cf))
String type = cf.contains(".") ? "IndexTable" : "Table";
oName = new ObjectName(String.format("org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=%s,keyspace=%s,scope=%s,name=%s", type, ks, cf, metricName));
else if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(ks))
oName = new ObjectName(String.format("org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=Keyspace,keyspace=%s,name=%s", ks, metricName));
oName = new ObjectName(String.format("org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=Table,name=%s", metricName));
case "BloomFilterDiskSpaceUsed":
case "BloomFilterFalsePositives":
case "BloomFilterFalseRatio":
case "BloomFilterOffHeapMemoryUsed":
case "IndexSummaryOffHeapMemoryUsed":
case "CompressionMetadataOffHeapMemoryUsed":
case "CompressionRatio":
case "EstimatedColumnCountHistogram":
case "EstimatedPartitionSizeHistogram":
case "EstimatedPartitionCount":
case "KeyCacheHitRate":
case "LiveSSTableCount":
case "MaxPartitionSize":
case "MeanPartitionSize":
case "MemtableColumnsCount":
case "MemtableLiveDataSize":
case "MemtableOffHeapSize":
case "MinPartitionSize":
case "PercentRepaired":
case "RecentBloomFilterFalsePositives":
case "RecentBloomFilterFalseRatio":
case "SnapshotsSize":
return JMX.newMBeanProxy(mbeanServerConn, oName, CassandraMetricsRegistry.JmxGaugeMBean.class).getValue();
public class TableMetrics
/** Approximate number of keys in table. */
public final Gauge<Long> estimatedPartitionCount;
estimatedPartitionCount = Metrics.register(factory.createMetricName("EstimatedPartitionCount"),
new Gauge<Long>()
public Long getValue()
long memtablePartitions = 0;
for (Memtable memtable : cfs.getTracker().getView().getAllMemtables())
memtablePartitions += memtable.partitionCount();
return SSTableReader.getApproximateKeyCount(cfs.getSSTables(SSTableSet.CANONICAL)) + memtablePartitions;
* Calculate approximate key count.
* If cardinality estimator is available on all given sstables, then this method use them to estimate
* key count.
* If not, then this uses index summaries.
* @param sstables SSTables to calculate key count
* @return estimated key count
public static long getApproximateKeyCount(Iterable<SSTableReader> sstables)
long count = -1;
if (Iterables.isEmpty(sstables))
return count;
boolean failed = false;
ICardinality cardinality = null;
for (SSTableReader sstable : sstables)
if (sstable.openReason == OpenReason.EARLY)
CompactionMetadata metadata = (CompactionMetadata) sstable.descriptor.getMetadataSerializer().deserialize(sstable.descriptor, MetadataType.COMPACTION);
// If we can't load the CompactionMetadata, we are forced to estimate the keys using the index
// summary. (CASSANDRA-10676)
if (metadata == null)
logger.warn("Reading cardinality from Statistics.db failed for {}", sstable.getFilename());
failed = true;
if (cardinality == null)
cardinality = metadata.cardinalityEstimator;
cardinality = cardinality.merge(metadata.cardinalityEstimator);
catch (IOException e)
logger.warn("Reading cardinality from Statistics.db failed.", e);
failed = true;
catch (CardinalityMergeException e)
logger.warn("Cardinality merge failed.", e);
failed = true;
if (cardinality != null && !failed)
count = cardinality.cardinality();
// if something went wrong above or cardinality is not available, calculate using index summary
if (count < 0)
for (SSTableReader sstable : sstables)
count += sstable.estimatedKeys();
return count;
* Compaction related SSTable metadata.
* Only loaded for <b>compacting</b> SSTables at the time of compaction.
public class CompactionMetadata extends MetadataComponent
public static final IMetadataComponentSerializer serializer = new CompactionMetadataSerializer();
public final ICardinality cardinalityEstimator;
public CompactionMetadata(ICardinality cardinalityEstimator)
this.cardinalityEstimator = cardinalityEstimator;
public static class CompactionMetadataSerializer implements IMetadataComponentSerializer<CompactionMetadata>
public int serializedSize(Version version, CompactionMetadata component) throws IOException
int sz = 0;
byte[] serializedCardinality = component.cardinalityEstimator.getBytes();
return TypeSizes.sizeof(serializedCardinality.length) + serializedCardinality.length + sz;
public void serialize(Version version, CompactionMetadata component, DataOutputPlus out) throws IOException
ByteBufferUtil.writeWithLength(component.cardinalityEstimator.getBytes(), out);
public CompactionMetadata deserialize(Version version, DataInputPlus in) throws IOException
ICardinality cardinality = HyperLogLogPlus.Builder.build(ByteBufferUtil.readBytes(in, in.readInt()));
return new CompactionMetadata(cardinality);