
[hadoop] scoop 쓸 때 유의사항

'김용환' 2016. 2. 5. 14:58


"AND \$CONDITIONS"를 WHERE 끝에 반드시 써야 한다!!! 아 삽질~


--query "SELECT id, name

                 FROM $db_table

                 WHERE id >=1  AND \$CONDITIONS " \


출처 : https://sqoop.apache.org/docs/1.4.2/SqoopUserGuide.html

If you want to import the results of a query in parallel, then each map task will need to execute a copy of the query, with results partitioned by bounding conditions inferred by Sqoop. Your query must include the token $CONDITIONS which each Sqoop process will replace with a unique condition expression. You must also select a splitting column with --split-by.


If you are issuing the query wrapped with double quotes ("), you will have to use \$CONDITIONS instead of just $CONDITIONS to disallow your shell from treating it as a shell variable. For example, a double quoted query may look like: "SELECT * FROM x WHERE a='foo' AND \$CONDITIONS"


병렬로 돌리고 싶다면, num-mappers을 사용한다.

--num-mappers $num_mappers