'2019/05/24'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2019.05.24 netty 3->4 전환 문서


netty 3를 netty4로 전환하다가.. 많이 부딪혔는데.. 

https://netty.io/wiki/new-and-noteworthy-in-4.0.html 문서를 참고해야 한다. 


Netty.docs: New and noteworthy in 4.0

This document walks you through the list of notable changes and new features in the major Netty release to give you an idea to port your application to the new version. Project structure changes The package name of Netty has been changed from org.jboss.net



예를 들면

- netty 3의 ChannelBuffer는 netty 4에서 ByteBuf로 변경되었다.

- ChannelBuffers.copiedBuffer는 Unpooled.copiedBuffer로 변경되었다.

(import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled)

- ChannelBuffer는 ByteBuf로 변경되었다.





Posted by '김용환'