hiccup의 3번째 의미는 어려움이다. 소스 버전으로 다운받고 실행하다가 겪는 문제, 서버 행, 개발하면서 부딪히는 어려움 등.. difficult라기 하기는 사소하지만, 스트레스 받는 어려움을 hiccup이라 말하는 듯 하다... (주관적인 느낌)
a minor difficulty, interruption, setback, etc.:
The first real hiccup I’ve run into is that conda’s environment activation/deactivation scheme only works in bash or zsh. I use fish.
But we ran into problems with it because the server would 'hiccup'--meaning it would hang for a few seconds like it was lagging (with no lag) and then resume gameplay.
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