java core 2005. 1. 24. 19:20

The J2ME Universe Today

The current universe of configurations, profiles and optionalpackages is shown in the diagram below. The tables immediately followingprovide more details about the abbreviations in the figure.

J2ME Overview
J2ME Overview
JSR 30 CLDC 1.0 Connected, Limited Device Configuration
JSR 139 CLDC 1.1 Connected, Limited Device Configuration 1.1
JSR 36 CDC Connected Device Configuration
JSR 218 CDC 1.1 Connected Device Configuration 1.1
JSR 37 MIDP 1.0 Mobile Information Device Profile
JSR 118 MIDP 2.0 Mobile Information Device Profile 2.0
JSR 75 PDAP PDA Profile
JSR 46 FP Foundation Profile
JSR 219 FP 1.1 Foundation Profile 1.1
JSR 129 PBP Personal Basis Profile
JSR 217 PBP 1.1 Personal Basis Profile 1.1
JSR 62 PP Personal Profile
JSR 215 PP 1.1 Personal Profile 1.1
JSR 195 IMP Information Module Profile
JSR 228 IMP-NG Information Module Profile - Next Generation
Optional Packages
JSR 75 PIM PDA Optional Packages for the J2ME Platform
JSR 82 BTAPI Java APIs for Bluetooth
JSR 120 WMA Wireless Messaging API
JSR 205 WMA 2.0 Wireless Messaging API 2.0
JSR 135 MMAPI Mobile Media API
JSR 164   JAIN SIMPLE Presence
JSR 165   JAIN SIMPLE Instant Messaging
JSR 172   J2ME Web Services
JSR 177 SATSA Security and Trust Services API for J2ME
JSR 179   Location API for J2ME
JSR 184 3D Mobile 3D Graphics API for J2ME
JSR 186   JAIN Presence
JSR 187   JAIN Instant Messaging
JSR 190   Event Tracking API for J2ME
JSR 209   Advanced Graphics and User Interface Optional Package for J2ME Platform
JSR 211 CHAPI Content Handling API
JSR 213   Micro WSCI Framework for J2ME
JSR 214   Micro BPSS for J2ME Devices
JSR 226   Scalable 2D Vector Graphics API
JSR 229   Payment API
JSR 230   Data Sync API
JSR 232   Mobile Operational Management
JSR 234   Advanced Multimedia Supplements
JSR 238   Mobile Internationalization API
JSR 239   Java Bindings for OpenGL ES
JSR 246   Device Management API
JSR 253   Mobile Telephony API (MTA)

As the diagram shows, J2ME has two main branches.The first is based on the Connected, Limited Device Configuration (CLDC). This configuration is for small wireless devices with intermittent network connections, like pagers, mobile phones, and Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs).The Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP), which is based on CLDC, was the first finished profile and thus the first finished J2ME application environment.MIDP-compliant devicesare widely available.

The other major branch of the J2ME tree is based on the Connected Device Configuration (CDC). This configuration is for larger devices (in terms of memory and processingpower) with robust networkconnections. Set-top boxes and internet appliances are good examples of CDCdevices, although high-end PDAs like the Sharp Zaurus also fit thisconfiguration well. The Foundation Profile extends CDC and serves as the basis for several other profiles. It provides fundamental APIs gleaned from J2SE, including classes and interfaces from java.lang, java.io, java.security, java.util, and more. For a list of J2ME terms and definitions, see our glossary.

Optional packages bubble like a froth above the CLDCand CDC branches of J2ME. These provide all sorts of capabilitiesranging from Bluetooth communication through web services and instantmessaging. Look in the table for links to the specifications themselves.

For a thorough look at J2ME, see:

The world of wireless Java technology also includes Java Card, for smart cards. For more information on Java Card, see:

About Stacks and JSR 185

Devices implement a complete software stack, which usually consists of aconfiguration, a profile, and optional APIs. First generation J2ME mobile phonesusually implemented the following software stack:

Example J2ME Stack
Example J2ME Stack

Given the plethora of configurations, profiles, and especially optionalpackages, how does a developer know what to expect on a device? JSR 185,Java Technology for the Wireless Industry, addresses this question byassembling other building blocks into a complete applicationenvironment. JSR 185 mandates CLDC 1.0 or 1.1, MIDP 2.0, and WMA. Supportfor MMAPI is optional. This helps nail things down for developers; on aJTWI device, the developer has a clear understanding of what APIs willbe available. The following figure shows a JSR 185 stack:

JSR 185 Stack
JSR 185 Stack

For more information on JSR 185, see:

The Scope of Wireless Java Technology

Wireless Java technology is the intersection of two vast worlds, wireless data communications and the Java platform. Wireless Java technology spans parts ofJava Card, J2ME, J2SE, and J2EE. That said, some commonmisconceptions about wireless Java technology need clearing up:

  • Wireless Java technology and J2ME are not the same thing. On the onehand, J2ME encompasses more than just wireless devices. While some parts of J2ME are expressly designed for wireless devices, other parts are not--CDC devices are likely to have standard Ethernet connections. On the flip side, wireless Javatechnology isnot confined to J2ME alone. You could have a laptop or palmtop computer running J2SE applications, connecting to other computers via an 802.11 LAN.

  • MIDP is not all of J2ME.MIDP is the first finished profile and has the first installed base of devices out in the world, so people sometimes assume that you are talking about MIDP whenever you talk about J2ME. As you can see from the diagram above, though, J2ME has many facets; MIDP just happened to cross the finishline first.

  • MIDP is not all of wireless Java technology.The Java platform offers plenty of choices forwireless programming: Personal Profile, J2SE on wireless devices, even thePDA Profile.

For other perspectives on wireless Java technology, select:

Why Use the Java Platform for Wireless Development?

The Java platform is an excellent choice for wireless development for many reasons. Here are three compelling advantages:

  • The Java platform is safe. Java code always executes within the confines of theJava Virtual Machine1, which provides a safe environment for executing downloaded code. A binary application could freeze a device or crash it (imagine a blue screen on your mobile phone!) By contrast, at worst a Javaapplications can bring down only the Virtual Machine, not the device itself.
  • The Java language encourages robust programming. The garbage collector saves programmers countless hours of hunting down memory leaks. Likewise, the Javalanguage's exception mechanisms encourage programmers to create robust applications.
  • Portability is a big win for wireless Java technology. A single executablecan run on multiple devices. For example, when you write a MIDlet (a MIDP application) it will run on any device that implements the MIDP specification. Given the dizzying profusion of wireless devices, not havingto maintain a plethora of implementationsis a big advantage. Even if a Javaapplication makes use of vendor specific APIs, applications writtenusing the Java programming language are inherently easier to modify foranother device than applications written in C or C++.

    A second benefit ofportability is the ease of delivering applicationsto a device over the wireless network (sometimes called Over-the-air, or OTA, provisioning). Binary applications can be moved from a server onto a device, too, but not safely.Because Java code runs inside the Java Virtual Machine1, code that is downloaded from the network can be run safely. Binary code cannot be contained at execution time andis much less safe.
For more information on the motivations for using the Java platform for wirelessdevelopment, select:

The Market for Wireless Services

The market for wireless applications and services is huge. This market can be divided into two segments:

  • The consumer segment consists of games, location-based services, productivity applications, and other generally useful applications. In the near term, these applications will be controlled and distributed by wireless carriers.

  • The custom business segment will require custom development ofwireless clients to connect to existing enterprise applications. Many of these will be wireless applications that use middleware to access company databases.

Where to Go Next

Perhaps the best next step toward getting a good grip on wireless Javatechnology is to create some:

  • Wireless Development Tutorial Part I
    Learn how to set up a development environment for buildingJ2ME client applications. You'll install the tools, then build andrun a simple MIDlet. This article has all the information you need to getstarted with J2ME development.
  • Wireless DevelopmentTutorial Part II
    In this article, you'll learn how to set up a Java servlet developmentenvironment, either Tomcat or the J2EE Reference Implementation server.You'll write a servlet and create a MIDlet that makes a networkconnection to the servlet.

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