펄 해쉬 이야기 #2

perl 2007. 10. 19. 00:10





Perl Hash Howto

This how-to comes with no guaratees other than the fact that these code segments were copy/pasted from code that I wrote and ran successfully.

Initialize (clear, or empty) a hash

Assigning an empty list is the fastest method.


    my %hash = ();


People have asked how to initialize a hash reference (aka hash ref). It's just like any scalar variable; you can use my alone, or you can assign a value.

    my $hash_ref;
    my $hash_ref = 0;  # zero

Add a key/value pair to a hash

In the solutions below, quotes around the keys can be omitted when the keys are identifiers.



    $hash{ 'key' } = 'value';    # hash

    $hash{ $key } = $value;      # hash, using variables

Hash reference:


    $href->{ 'key' } = 'value';  # hash ref

    $href->{ $key } = $value;    # hash ref, using variables

Add several key/value pairs to a hash


The following statements are equivalent, though the second one is more readable:

    %hash = ( 'key1', 'value1', 'key2', 'value2', 'key3', 'value3' );

    %hash = (
        key1 => 'value1',
        key2 => 'value2',
        key3 => 'value3',

Copy a hash


    my %hash_copy = %hash;  # copy a hash

    my $href_copy = $href;  # copy a hash ref

Delete a single key/value pair

The solution differs for a hash and a hash reference, but both cases can use the delete function.



    delete $hash{$key};

Hash reference:

    delete $hash_ref->{$key};

Perform an action on each key/value pair in a hash

The actions below print the key/value pairs.


Use each within a while loop. Note that each iterates over entries in an apparently random order, but that order is guaranteed to be the same for the functions keys and values.

    while ( my ($key, $value) = each(%hash) ) {
        print "$key => $value\n";

A hash reference would be only slightly different:

    while ( my ($key, $value) = each(%$hash_ref) ) {
        print "$key => $value\n";


Use keys with a for loop.

    for my $key ( keys %hash ) {
        my $value = $hash{$key};
        print "$key => $value\n";


    my $file = $ARGV[0] || "-";

    my %from = ();

    open FILE, "< $file" or die "Can't open $file : $!";

    while( <FILE> ) {
        if (/^From: (.*)/) { $from{$1}++ }  # count recurrences of sender

    close FILE;

    for my $sender ( sort keys %from ) {
        print "$sender: $from{$sender}\n";

Get the size of a hash


    print "size of hash:  " . keys( %hash ) . ".\n";


    my $i = 0;

    $i += scalar keys %$hash_ref;  # method 1: explicit scalar context
    $i += keys %$hash_ref;         # method 2: implicit scalar context

Use hash references


    sub foo
        my $hash_ref;

        $hash_ref->{ 'key1' } = 'value1';
        $hash_ref->{ 'key2' } = 'value2';
        $hash_ref->{ 'key3' } = 'value3';

        return $hash_ref;

    my $hash_ref = foo();

    print "the keys... ", sort keys %$hash_ref, "...\n";

Function to build a hash of hashes; return a reference


    sub foo
        my ( $login, $p, $uid, $gid, $gecos, $dir, $s );

        my %HoH = ();

        my $file = '/etc/passwd';
        open( PASSWD, "< $file" ) or die "Can't open $file : $!";

        while( <PASSWD> ) {
            ( $login, $p, $uid, $gid, $gecos, $dir, $s ) = split( ':' );

            $HoH{ $login }{ 'uid' } = $uid;
            $HoH{ $login }{ 'gid' } = $gid;
            $HoH{ $login }{ 'dir' } = $dir;

        close PASSWD;

        return \%HoH;

Access and print a reference to a hash of hashes


    my $rHoH = foo();

    my( $uid, $gid, $dir );

    for my $login ( keys %$rHoH ) {

        $uid =       $rHoH->{ $login }->{ 'uid' };   # method 1  most readable
        $gid =    ${ $rHoH->{ $login } }{ 'gid' };   # method 2
        $dir = ${ ${ $rHoH }{ $login } }{ 'dir' };   # method 3 least readable

        print "uid: $uid, gid: $gid, dir, $dir.\n";


    my $rHoH = foo();

    for my $k1 ( sort keys %$rHoH ) {
        print "k1: $k1\n";
        for my $k2 ( keys %{$rHoH->{ $k1 }} ) {
            print "k2: $k2 $rHoH->{ $k1 }{ $k2 }\n";

Function to build a hash of hashes of hashes; return a reference


    sub foo
        my %HoHoH = ();

        while( ... ) {

            if( /LOCATION:/ ) {


            } elsif( /MODULE:/ ) {

                $HoHoH{ $loc }{ $module_type }{ MODULE_NAME } = $module_name;

            } elsif( $ARGS_ALLOWED ) {

                $HoHoH{ $loc }{ $module_type }{ $arg_name } = $arg_value;



        return \%HoHoH;

Access and print a reference to a hash of hashes of hashes


    my $rHoHoH = foo();

    for my $k1 ( sort keys %$rHoHoH ) {
        print "$k1\n";

        for my $k2 ( sort keys %{$rHoHoH->{ $k1 }} ) {
            print "\t$k2\n";

            for my $k3 ( sort keys %{$rHoHoH->{ $k1 }->{ $k2 }} ) {
                print "\t\t$k3 => $rHoHoH->{ $k1 }->{ $k2 }->{ $k3 }\n";

Print the keys and values of a hash, given a hash reference


    while( my ($k, $v) = each %$hash_ref ) {
        print "key: $k, value: $v.\n";

Determine whether a hash value exists, is defined, or is true


    print "Value EXISTS, but may be undefined.\n" if exists  $hash{ $key };
    print "Value is DEFINED, but may be false.\n" if defined $hash{ $key };
    print "Value is TRUE at hash key $key.\n"     if         $hash{ $key };


Let's say we execute an sql query where some of the resulting values may be NULL. Before attempting to use any of the values we should first check whether they are defined, as in the following code. Note that the subroutine sql_fetch_hashref() takes care of connecting to the database, preparing the statement, executing it, and returning the resulting row as a hash reference using DBI's fetchrow_hashref() method.

    my $answers = 'a,b,c,d,e';

    my $sql = "select max_time, $answers from questions " .
              'where question_number=?';
    my $hash_ref = sql_fetch_hashref( $sql, $q );

    my @answers = split ',', $answers;

    my $max_time = $hash_ref->{max_time} || '60';

    my $hash_ref_ans;
    for my $letter ( @answers ) {
        $hash_ref_ans->{ $letter } = $hash_ref->{ $letter }
            if defined $hash_ref->{ $letter };

The for loop made a new hash of only defined key/value pairs.


Alex BATKO <abatko AT cs.mcgill.ca>

Thanks to all those who have written with suggestions and comments.




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