DBCP 설정중 validationQuery를 할 수 있는데, 그 query에 넣어야 하는데, 아무것도 안넣으면, 다음과 같은 에러가 뜬단다.

헐~~ 왜 그런거 했어







ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement


The statement that you've tried to execute is not a valid SQL statement.


The options to resolve this Oracle error are:
  1. This error commonly occurs when you are trying to create a procedure and the Procedural Option is not installed.

To determine if the Procedural Option has been installed, open an Oracle session using SQL*Plus. If the PL/SQL banner does not display, then you know that the Procedural Option has not been installed.

Below is what a sample PL/SQL banner looks like:

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Posted by '김용환'