'server option'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2010.08.19 java -server

java -server

java core 2010. 8. 19. 16:06

jdk1.5 부터는 메모리 2G이상, cpu 2개이상 있으면, 자동으로 server-class로 판별하고 자동으로 -server로 jvm을 실행하게 된다.

리눅스 서버는 대부분이 cpu2개이상, 메모리 2G이상이면, -server 옵션 안써도 됨~





In the J2SE platform version 5.0 a class of machine referred to as a server-class machine has been defined as a machine with

- 2 or more physical processors

- 2 or more Gbytes of physical memory


On server-class machines by default the following are selected.

- Throughput garbage collector

- Heap sizes

- initial heap size of 1/64 of physical memory up to 1Gbyte

- maximum heap size of ¼ of physical memory up to 1Gbyte

- Server runtime compiler

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Posted by '김용환'