영어를 공부하는데 있어서 많이 힘든 경우가 있다. 5년동안 영어공부를 많이 실패했는데.
유일하게 영어 공부가 재미있었던 것은 바로 조엘 오스틴의 Best life now, Becom a better you, 릭 워렌의 Purpose driven life 책이었다.

내가 독특해서 그런지, 드라마보다 이런 것들이 즐길 수 있었고, 코드를 맞출 수 있었다. 그래서..
계속 공부하는 것은 바로 이렇게 하면 된다라는 생각이 들었다.

한국의 젋은 크리스천들, 영어 공부는 하고 싶은데, 도저히 드라마에서 나오는 토나오는 말때문에 정체성과 나에게 맞지 않는 공부를 하면서 힘들어 하지 않는가??

나는 웬만한 영어 드라마는 다 본 것 같다. 영어 뉴스도 겁나게 들었는데, 재미가 없었다.
단순히 내가 왜 이 영어 공부를 왜 하는지를 몰랐다.

시간이 흘러서. 나는 영어 공부를 하는 이유를 발견했다.

그것은 하나님의 말씀을 듣기 위해서, 하나님의 사람들과 영어로 대화하기 위해서, 하나님의 말씀을 전하기 위해서 영어를 공부한다는 것이다.
얼마나 신나는지 아는가?? Weeds나 갤러티카, 24시, 섹스앤더시티, 걸스온모어,70s 이런 드라마 안보고도 술술 영어가 나온다는 느낌??

어떤가? ^^

'신앙' 카테고리의 다른 글

내면 상태 측정기  (0) 2011.11.08
spark 2008  (0) 2008.04.26
You are so good.  (0) 2008.04.26
Posted by '김용환'

요즘 Podcasting에 가보면 American Life가 가장 인기가 좋다.

그냥 영어 공부할 겸사 들으면 워낙 어려워서 잘 못들었는데.. 홈페이지를 보니 영어 스크립트를 제공한다. 오호!!

경제같은 것도 공부할 수 있고, 공짜로 리스닝하면서 들을 수 있다.


예를 들어본다.


아래 웹싸이트에 접근한다



Download a transcript.를 누르면 pdf 영문 스크립트가 나온다.

Full Episode

좌측 아래쯤에 보면 아래 메뉴가 있다. 그걸 누르면 audio play가 된다.



Posted by '김용환'

오늘의 영어

영어앤영문권 2008. 11. 26. 19:02


영어사전에는 호주 속어로 되어 있지만, weeds 드라마를 보면, perv라는 단어를 쉽게 쓰고 있다.pervert 의 약자.

호주·속어 n.
1 색정적인 시선
2 성도착자(pervert)
vi. 색정적인 으로 보다at, on



snoop  /snup/   (snoops, snooping, snooped, snoopers)

기웃거리며 돌아다니다. 어정거리다.

예) Were you snooping?? 누군가 나를 snooping하고 있다면, none of business하며 철퇴를!!


If someone snoops around a place, they secretly look around it in order to find out things.
    Ricardo was the one she'd seen snooping around Kim's hotel room.

   Snoop is also a noun. N-COUNT
    The second house that Grossman had a snoop around contained `strong simple furniture'.

snooper N-COUNT
    St Barth's strange lack of street names is meant to dissuade journalistic snoopers.

If someone snoops on a person, they watch them secretly in order to find out things about their life.
    Governments have been known to snoop on innocent citizens.




maid, housemaid, 이렇게 영어사전에서 표현하지만. 실제 미국에서는 이보다도

domestic helper라는 단어를 더 쓰는 것 같음..



My husband and I are are looking for a full time fluent Mandarin speaking domestic helper / nanny to live with us in our home in Kuwait. We currenlty do not have any children but plan to have one within the next two years. We are looking for someone honest, hardworking, friendly, who can preform household duties and is good with children.
The incumbent will have their own room and bathroom with their own separate entrance. We will provide food and other essential amenities. If interested please email us on mailto: fatspictures@yahoo.com



sleepover  /slipov/   (sleepovers)  also sleep-over

A sleepover is an occasion when someone, especially a child, sleeps for one night in a place such as a friend's home.



arson  /sn/

Arson is the crime of deliberately setting fire to a building or vehicle.
    a terrible wave of rioting, theft and arson.



You need to get laid

weeds에 나온 말인데, 무슨 말인지 초반에 몰랐다.

의외로 많은 영화에서 나오는 말인데..  성관계를 가질 필요가 있다는 말이다.


구글에서 검색하면, 대충 의미는 알수 있음.




resilient  /rzlint/

1 되튀는;원상으로 돌아가는, 탄력 있는
2 기운회복하는
3 활한, 랄한(buoyant)

1. ADJ : usu v-link ADJ
Something that is resilient is strong and not easily damaged by being hit, stretched, or squeezed.
    an armchair of some resilient plastic material.

resilience N-UNCOUNT : also a N
    Do your muscles have the strength and resilience that they should have?

2. ADJ : usu v-link ADJ
People and things that are resilient are able to recover easily and quickly from unpleasant or damaging events.
    When the U.S. stock market collapsed in October 1987, the Japanese stock market was the most resilient.

resilience N-UNCOUNT : also a N
    the resilience of human beings to fight after they've been attacked.

Resilient people are mentally tough

보통 Resilent people은 위의 말처럼 터프하다라고 표현한다.


Resilient people are mentally tough. Think of them like the Energizer bunny — they keep going no matter what. Those who are resilient are able to overcome difficult situations and are ready to seek solutions to get back on track. But how can you develop this kind of strength and perseverance?



I beseech you

= I'm begging you


Stinky eye 인상찌뿌프리며 evil eye로 바라보는 것



foreskin  /fskn/   (foreskins)

A man's foreskin is the skin that covers the end of his penis.



negligence and stupidity  과실 치사




가사 household things, household work

가계 household economy

가사 용품 household goods

가정적인 일 household matters










Posted by '김용환'

<1. >
flock  /flk/   (flocks, flocking, flocked)
1. N-COUNT-COLL : usu N of n
A flock of birds, sheep, or goats is a group of them.
    They kept a small flock of sheep.
    They are gregarious birds and feed in flocks.

<2. >
stellar  /stel/ 
1. ADJ : ADJ n
Stellar is used to describe anything connected with stars.
    A stellar wind streams outward from the star.

2. ADJ : usu ADJ n
A stellar person or thing is considered to be very good.
    The French companies are registering stellar profits.

chasm  /kzm/   (chasms)
A chasm is a very deep crack in rock, earth, or ice.

2. N-COUNT : usu with supp, oft N between pl-n
If you say that there is a chasm between two things or between two groups of people, you mean that there is a very large difference between them.
    the chasm that divides the worlds of university and industry.
    the chasm between rich and poor in America.
    gulf, gap  

<4. >
mimic  /mmk/   (mimics, mimicking, mimicked)
If you mimic the actions or voice of a person or animal, you imitate them, usually in a way that is meant to be amusing or entertaining.
    He could mimic anybody.

If someone or something mimics another person or thing, they try to be like them.
    The computer doesn't mimic human thought; it reaches the same ends by different means.

A mimic is a person who is able to mimic people or animals.

<5>. bail out
A bailout, in economics and finance, is an injection of liquidity given to a bankrupt or nearly bankrupt entity, such as a corporation or a bank, in order for it to meet its short-term obligations. Often bailouts are by governments, or by consortia of investors who demand control over the entity as the price for injecting funds.


<6>. bar mitzvah
bar mitz·vah〔〕〔Heb.〕 n. 바르 미츠바 《유대교의 13세 남자 성인식》;그 식을 하는 소년
━ vt. <소년에게> 성인식을 베풀다

<7> on the condition ...
문맥상.... anonymous 라는 의미로 사용되기도 함


N-UNCOUNT : oft in N
If something is in a state of flux, it is constantly changing.
    Education remains in a state of flux which will take some time to settle down.
If you defuse a dangerous or tense situation, you calm it.
    The organization helped defuse potentially violent situations.

If someone defuses a bomb, they remove the fuse so that it cannot explode.
    Police have defused a bomb found in a building in London.




Posted by '김용환'

Fool me once, shame on you; Fool me twice, shame on me...


이 말은 정말 잘 쓰이는 문구로서, 내가 또 당하면 바보다 라는 뜻의 문맥상 한국말과 같고..


"Fool me once
Shame on you
Fool me twice
Shame on me."

--Chinese Proverb.

Source: Forbes Scrapbook of Thoughts on the Business of Everyday Life. Triumph, Chicago, IL. 1995

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영어사전엔 이렇게 써있다.


This means that you should learn from your mistakes and not allow people to take advantage of you repeatedly.







Posted by '김용환'