세상 겁나 좋아졌다.
rpm-> 유분투의 모듈 업데이트 시스템 -> yum을 이용한 손쉬운 설치!!! 짱인데.
로그 확인
cat /var/log/yum.log
yum install 패키지
yum update 패키지
설치 여부 확인
yum search 패키지
설치 리스트 확인
yum list
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Yum (Yellow dog Updater, Modified) HOWTO
Robert G. Brown, rgb at phy.duke.edu
Jonathan Pickard,fatboy at techno.co.za
0.3, 2003-09-24
This is a HOWTO for Yum: the Yellow dog Updater, Modified. Yum is an automatic updater and package installer/remover for rpm-based systems. It automatically computes dependencies and figures out what things should occur in order to safely install, remove, and update rpm packages. Yum also efficiently and easily retrieves information on any package installed or available in a repository to the installer. Yum makes it easier to maintain groups of machines without having to manually update each one using rpm or other tools. Yum can manage package groups, multiple repositories, fallback repositories and more to permit centralized package management performed by just one or two individuals to scale over an entire organization. Note Well! This HOWTO is in a state of total flux during its initial pre-release development. Lots of sections are empty, others are wrong, all is in a state of mediocre organization. Nevertheless, I cherish feedback from anybody on the basis of any snapshot you happen to see.
1. Introduction
- 1.1 What Yum Can Do
- 1.2 How Yum Works
- 1.3 Yum, RPM, and Red Hat
- 1.4 A Plea for Karmic Balance
- 1.5 RPM Repository Madness
- 1.6 Copyright
- 1.7 Disclaimer
- 1.8 News
- 1.9 Credits/Acknowledgements
2. HOWTO Organization
3. Useful Links:
4. Preliminaries
5. Planning a Yum Repository
6. Setting up an FTP server for yum.
- 6.1 Download the RPM
- 6.2 Install the ftp server.
- 6.3 Edit the vsftpd.conf file
- 6.4 Start the server
- 6.5 Testing the FTP server
7. Building Yum
8. Installing Yum
9. Yummifying your servers: yum-arch
10. Setting up the Yum Client
- 10.1 /etc/yum.conf
- 10.2 /etc/cron.daily/yum.cron
- 10.3 /var/cache/yum
- 10.4 Distributing the Configuration
11. Using the Yum Client
12. Building RPMs for yum repositories
13. Security
14. Etc.
15. Further Information
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