2017년 3월 현재

cassandra 3.x 이상의 버전에 대해서는 opscenter는 무료로 제공되지 않는다. 

오직 상용 버전만 지원한다. 

opscenter는 cassandra 3.0 이상을 지원하지 않는다.


Enterpise만 지원한다....

opscenter에 cassandra 3.0에 접근하려면 다음에러가 발생한다.

2017-01-01 01:23:11+0900 []  WARN: [control connection] Error connecting to <ErrorMessage code=000a [Protocol error] message="Invalid or unsupported protocol version (2); the lowest supported version is 3 and the greatest is 4">

2017-01-01 01:23:11+0900 [] ERROR: Control connection failed to connect, shutting down Cluster: ('Unable to connect to any servers', {u'': <ErrorMessage code=000a [Protocol error] message="Invalid or unsupported protocol version (2); the lowest supported version is 3 and the greatest is 4">})

2017-01-01 01:23:11+0900 []  WARN: ProcessingError while calling CreateClusterConfController: Unable to connect to cluster. Error is: Unable to connect to any servers


grafana graphite만 답인듯...

Posted by '김용환'

python 2.7.11이상에서 cql을 실행할 수 없었던 버그가 있었다. 이는 2.1.16, 2.2.8, 3.0.9, 3.8 이상에서 패치되었다. 

(거의 최근에 발견된 내용이다..)


안전하게 2.7.9를 사용한다.

python 2.7.9 설치


pip 설치


cqlsh를 설치한다.

$ sudo -E pip install cqlsh

버전을 확인한다. 

$ cqlsh --version
cqlsh 5.0.1
$ nodetool version
ReleaseVersion: 3.0.9

cqlsh를 실행하면 아래와 같은 에러가 발생할 수 있다.

$ cqlsh 
Connection error: ('Unable to connect to any servers', {'::1': error(113, "Tried connecting to [('::1', 9042, 0, 0)]. Last error: No route to host"), '': ProtocolError("cql_version '3.3.1' is not supported by remote (w/ native protocol). Supported versions: [u'3.4.0']",)})

$ cqlsh
Connection error: ('Unable to connect to any servers', {'': error(111, "Tried connecting to [('', 9042)]. Last error: Connection refused")})

파이썬 드라이버 소스가 안맞거나 ip가 없어서이니.. 단순히 아래와 같이 처리한다.
참고로 cassandra 3.0.9는 cql 버전을 3.4.0을 사용한다.

~/.bashrc 파일에 다음과 같이 설정한다. 

alias cqlsh="/usr/local/bin/cqlsh --cqlversion=3.4.0"

다시 cqlsh를 실행하면 잘 동작한다.

$ cqlsh
Connected to StoryCluster at
[cqlsh 5.0.1 | Cassandra 3.0.9 | CQL spec 3.4.0 | Native protocol v4]
Use HELP for help.

Posted by '김용환'

카산드라는 3.0부터는 매달 출시할 계획이라고 한다.  짝수 달은 버그 픽스를 포함하고 홀수 달은 버그만 하는 정책을 따른다고 한다. 인텔의 틱톡 모델(예전 아저씨들이 플랫폼 릴리즈를 할처럼 돌아갔다)처럼 간다고 한다. 


After 3.0, we’ll take this even further: we will release 3.x versions monthly.  Even releases will include both bugfixes and new features; odd releases will be bugfix-only.  You may have heard this referred to as “tick-tock” releases, after Intel’s policy of changing process and architecture independently.

The primary goal is to improve release quality.  Our current major “dot zero” releases require another five or six months to make them stable enough for production.  This is directly related to how we pile features in for 9 to 12 months and release all at once.  The interactions between the new features are complex and not always obvious.  2.1 was no exception, despite DataStax hiring a full time test engineering team specifically for Apache Cassandra.

We need to try something different.  Tick-tock releases will dramatically reduce the number of features in each version, which will necessarily improve our ability to quickly track down any regressions.  And “pausing” every other month to focus on bug fixes will help ensure that we don’t accumulate issues faster than we can fix them.


Posted by '김용환'