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What would be the maximum number of NFS clients supported by a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 NFS server?

Created on: Jan 4, 2005 6:00 PM - Last Modified:  Jan 6, 2005 6:00 PM

There is no hard limit for the NFS client count - it depends on the system resources (memory, filesystem, storage subsystem performance, etc). However, the socket buffer where the nfsds is listening to (obtain the requests from) roughly has room for


 (number_of_nfsd + 3)


requests. Adding the fact that each nfsds always carries its work until completion before grabbing the next request, a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 NFS server can take


 ((number_of_nfsd * 2) + 3)


simultaneous requests at a time.


Note: This is a theoretical number and it depends on the resources and the nature of the requests. For example, if any NFSD is blocked in the I/O path, the unprocessed requests is still sitting in the socket buffer and may get timeouts from the client side. Re-transmits would occur and the server capacity would start to drop.



Posted by '김용환'