회사에서 발생했던 mysql driver 의 크리티컬 이슈
5.1.45 이상 버전으로 업그레이드가 피요하다.
Added the following entry to the Connector/J 5.1.45 changelog: "Normally, when the socketTimeout option has been set and a socket timeout occurs on the client side, the server may continue working and returning query results. At the next query executed after the timeout, Connector/J first clears the socket input stream and then sends a ping request to the server. However, an error occurred if the autoReconnect option was set to true and, after reconnection, a new query was executed by Connector/J, and the results from the previous queries arrived before Connector/J sent its ping request to the server, in which case the old packages might be mistaken as results for the new query. This fix corrects the issue by forcibly closing the network resources after a communication or IO exception. The next statement execution recreates the IO stream if autoReconnect=true; otherwise, the connection stays closed."
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