내가 자주 쓰는 pip 간단설명서
0. pip설치
python 2.7.9에 해당되는 pip 설치하기
1. pip 설치 목록 확인하기
간단하게 설치여부만 확인하고 싶다면, pip list 커맨드를 사용하고, 더 자세히 보고 싶다면, pip show 커맨드를 사용한다.
pip list
pip list | grep 바이너리
pip show 바이너리
$ pip list | grep SQLAlchemy
SQLAlchemy (1.0.11)
$ pip show SQLAlchemy
Name: SQLAlchemy
Version: 1.0.11
Location: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages
구 버전 체크
$ pip list --outdated
2. pip 설치
pip install
centos라면, sudo pip install 바이너리
proxy를 사용하면, sudo https_proxy=proxy.google.com:22222 http_proxy=proxy.google.com: 22222 pip install 바이너리
버전 지정을 할 수 있다.
pip install python-gssapi
pip install 'python-gssapi==0.6.4'
pip install 'python-gssapi>=0.6.4'
3. pip 삭제
pip uninstall
centos라면, sudo pip uninstall 바이너리
4. pip 검색
$ pip search "scp"
pyxmlescpos - Print XML-defined Receipts on ESC/POS Receipt Printers
ssh4py - SSH4Py is a Wrapper for LibSSH2 (SSH, SFTP, SCP)
python-rdomanager-oscplugin - RDO Manager OSC plugin lib
PyESCPOS - Support for Epson ESC/POS printer command system.
python-escpos - Python library to manipulate ESC/POS Printers
cmdssh - Execute commands on local machine and on remote machine via ssh, and a wrapper for paramikos scp.
yascp - Yet Another Simple Configuration Parser for INI-style configuration files.
scp - scp module for paramiko
check_nscp - General purpose client for talking with NSclient++
scpy - File/Directory syncing over scp
scpclient - scp client, for use with paramiko.
PyUpdater-SCP-Plugin - SCP Uploader Extension
scpi - Implement SCPI in pure Python
gocept.zestreleaser.customupload - Plug-in for zest.releaser to allow uploading the created egg via SCP to configurable destinations.
universal_usbtmc - United interface to different USBTMC (or "SCPI") intstrument implementations in Python.
robotframework-scplibrary - Robot Framework test library for transferring files via Secure Copy (SCP)
onkyo-eiscp - Control Onkyo receivers over ethernet.
lesscpy - Python LESS compiler
bloscpack - Command line interface to and serialization format for Blosc
scpack - A random test lib
escposprinter - Python library to manipulate ESC/POS Printers with support for python >= 3
PyiUpdater-SCP-Plugin - SCP Uploader Extension
UsCpi - Tools for parsing the latest US Consumer Price Index
drop - Uploads data to a remote www directory via scp and returns a public url.
chef-ssh - Chef SSH is a tool to easily query the Chef server's inventory for running scp/ssh to/from the machines
igloo - A command line SCP client
scp-marvin - SCP Wiki entry retrieval script
iscpy - Python library to parse ISC style config files.
그 외..
pip 사용 가이드: https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/user_guide/
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