Fool me once, shame on you; Fool me twice, shame on me...


이 말은 정말 잘 쓰이는 문구로서, 내가 또 당하면 바보다 라는 뜻의 문맥상 한국말과 같고..


"Fool me once
Shame on you
Fool me twice
Shame on me."

--Chinese Proverb.

Source: Forbes Scrapbook of Thoughts on the Business of Everyday Life. Triumph, Chicago, IL. 1995

Verified by: GM, 6/98


영어사전엔 이렇게 써있다.


This means that you should learn from your mistakes and not allow people to take advantage of you repeatedly.







Posted by '김용환'



Joel & Victoria Osteen의 Today's Word에 나온 get stuck in a rut in life 때문에 구글링을 해보니 잼난 자료들이 있었다.


즉, 쳇바퀴처럼 똑같은 일을 계속 하고, 그 상황을 빠져나오지 못하면, 당황스러운데.. 어떻게 할 것인가??


이에 대해서 구글링을 해보니. 좋은 대답이 영어로 되어 있어서 소개해 본다.

- Brainstorm.

- Break the problem into parts

- Talk it out

- Seek professional help


출처 :


Are You Stuck in a Rut and Can't Get Out?


If you've ever been stuck in a rut, you know how frustrating and unproductive it can be. Here are several suggestions to get you unstuck and moving forward.


Many of us get to a point in our lives or careers where we feel frustrated, stuck and unable to move. And we just don’t know what to do about it. Some people call it being stuck in a rut. Regardless of what you call it, getting beyond the impasse is necessary to get you back on track and moving forward in your life or career. This is the time to alter your thinking and your actions and make a change – for the better! There are many, many different ways to begin moving forward.  Here are just a few ideas to get you started.
First, ask yourself in what way(s) you feel stuck. Be very specific and list every detail about your situation. This is not a time to come up with solutions so don’t get caught up in trying to identify answers just yet. You are simply clarifying your thoughts and feelings about your situation.
Next, identify what moving forward looks like to you. Again, you aren’t looking for solutions yet! You are identifying your destination – where you want to go. Just as you wouldn’t get in the car and drive without a specific location in mind, aimlessly wandering around in your life or career will get you lost and in need of direction.
Now that you know where you are and where you want to be, it’s time to bridge the gap and create an action plan to identify the necessary steps to get you there. For most people, this is the most difficult step because we have a tendency to continue using our current thoughts and processes. This is the time to break away from the ordinary and be willing to experiment and learn. Below are a few ideas to help get the juices flowing.
·         Brainstorm. Write down every idea you come up with, no matter how wild or unrealistic it may seem. Sometimes the ideas from far left-field are the best ones.
·         Break the problem into parts. Smaller, more manageable pieces are less overwhelming. Tackling one thing at a time keeps progress moving forward and gives you small victories to keep you motivated.
·         Talk it out. Discuss you situation with someone else. A fresh perspective can help you see things you may have missed before. Because we are all unique, different experiences, thought processes and approaches can lead us to alternative solutions. Just hearing yourself state the problem aloud can often provide greater clarity as well.
·         Seek professional help. While this is similar in ways to talking it out, hiring a professional life coach or career specialist can provide you with a needed push and accountability to get you through the process. There are many life coaches and career specialists that can help you get back on track. These experts are specially trained and have experience helping other clients get unstuck.
You now know where you are, where you want to be and have the ideas and support to get you there. Ask yourself what the first action step needs to be. Then take action on that step! Getting unstuck is not always an easy process but is necessary to help us grow and learn and to not become stagnate. Throughout our life journey we will inevitably experience these feelings at some point. The people that wait for things to happen will be left with the frustration while the people that take action will move forward and soar to great things!




Posted by '김용환'


천생연분이 a match made in heaven이란다~ ㅎㅎ

반대의 의미는 a match made in hell 이란다~ 정말..잘 안어리는 한쌍이라고 표현이다



구글링을 해서 내용을 찾아보니.. 허걱...  다음의 내용이 걸렸다.. (마음을 착하게 먹지.. 이런 것은 한국이랑 똑같구나~)


Who do you hate more in this photo Donald Trump or Star Jones? It is a toss up for me because I hate them both equally.

BTW did anyone watch Star Jones' new show on Court TV today? 




천생연분이라는 드라마가 있어서. 드라마의 내용을 영어로~~  읽다보니 잼나네~







Brief Synopsis

Here is a couple who started off as the luckiest couple in love. Well, they thought they were... But soon that "luck" comes to an end and these two seriously start to take this "luck". Was it really a "luck" or just a "blank" after all?????

Th woman shouted for joy when she met him. Dashing and good looking, he was even 5 years younger than she. And he thought he made a great coup when he met her. Sexy and beautiful regardless of age, she even boasted economic power with a stable job.At the beginning, everything was that picture-perfect. But again as there always comes a close to every beginning. That once perfect woman turns into a just ordinary married woman and also, that young prince charming now seems like a bum eating the bread of idleness. One day..she wakes up and shouts out, "I also know how to get angry! And I'm not going for divorce!" It's strange how their perilous marriage life is maintained even though they know that they are both having affairs.


Hwang, Jong-Hee (Acted by Hwang, Sin-Hae)

"I pin all my hopes on love!" Born in a wealthy family, she has never in her life worried about money troubles. What's even more, she was gifted with a perfectly pretty face and has lived all her life like a princess ever since. At the age of 36, when she marries her brother's handsome friend who is 5 years younger, the world seems ever so brighter and perfect. On the wedding day, she definitely felt her friends' envious eyes and thought "God, am I lucky~!" But, was she really...? Now a successful director at a home shopping channel but with an incompetent husband at home, she slowly gets used to the harsh reality. She stopped going to beauty salon for make-over and now does her hair herself. In the end, herbeauty also declines and her husband now begins to turn away from her. One day, he comes home with a bouquet of roses and long hair belonging to a unidentified woman. And a mobile SMS message that says, "You must be tired of living with that old lady. You know I love you, honey..." She sits in front of the mirror. "Huh, I still look great! How dare you have an affair when a woman like me is here?" Her transformation and new make-over begin...

Kim, Seok-Goo (Acted by Ahn, Jae-Wook)

Born in a ordinary middle class family, he manages to graduate from university and somehow gets to work at a bank. However, unable to hide his playboy nature and his good looks, he goes on leading a life of an out-and-out libertine. His life did not seem to change a bit until he met the daughter of his VIP client, who was also the elder sister of his friend. She is rich and gorgeous! Overflowing with smiles, she seems like the perfect person who will now make his life happy. And this woman says she will marry him! But now that he's married to her, he is miserable. That gorgeous woman who he thought would never change is now just an ordinary woman. Besides, slowly now he's getting tired of his mother-like wife"I need a young and cute girl." His secret affair begins...

Hwang, Jong-Hyeok (Acted by Kwon, Oh-Joong)

I have fun teasing my sister-in-law. He is a brother of Jong-Hee, and just started business with Seok-Goo for a game company. Also, he is an energetic old bachelor. He often run after women, and wastes his money on useless things. He doesn't want to lose his freedom and hobby. His ideal type is a pure and glamour girl, so his friends consider him as a hopeless guy. He is always interested in his sister and sister-in-low, and he makes himself a fun through teasing his sister-in-low. Meanwhile, he found that Seol-Goo has been unfaithful.

Goh, Eun-Bee (Acted by Oh, Seung-Hyun)

She's a shopping host at a home shopping channel. She's an active and daring girl. No, she's too daring that she can be too bold sometimes. She really represents the super new generation indeed. Right after graduating from university, she has entered this shopping channel and works very hard. But without fail, she does all sorts of activities like skating and snow boarding every weekend. She just can't stand a moment of immovability. Her goal is to enjoy life and one of hers ways to enjoy life is dating. She's not picky in her dating partners. Moreover, considering dating as a challenge rather than love, she feels delight in making the haughty and arrogant men into her "slaves". Two-timing and double dating are not something new to her. And now this girl, full of such confidence, wants to feel some thrill in dating. She starts going for married men as well and there comes Seok-Goo...





Posted by '김용환'


오늘 영어 선생님한테서 flirt, set up with, date, make the first move, ask out on a date, tie the knot 에 대해서 공부했는데...

flirt에 대해서 사람마다 다르게 반응하는 것을 알았다. 전의 선생님은 flirt가 부정적이라고 했는데. 이번 선생님은 그렇지 않다고 한다.


이참에 좋은 자료가 없나 구글링을 했더니. 좋은 자료가 있더라~


Relationships & Love; Idioms

ask for someone's hand in marriage
- ask someone to marry you
After dating his girlfriend for several years he finally asked for her hand in marriage.

attracted to (someone)
- feel a physical or emotional attraction to someone
I was attracted to the woman at the party from the moment that I first met her.

blind date
- a date where the two people have never met before
I went on a blind date in university but it did not work out very well.

break someone's heart
- cause someone emotional pain
The man broke his girlfriend's heart when he told her that he was no longer in love with her.

break up
- end a relationship
They broke up after dating for more than three years.

crazy about (someone)
- think that another person is wonderful
My cousin has been crazy about the bank manager for many months now.

date someone
- go on or have a date with someone
My sister has been dating her boyfriend for over two years now.

dig someone
- like someone a lot (dig someone is not a commonly used idiom now)
She really digs the boy in her chemistry class.

double date
- a date where two couples get together to do something
It was a good idea to go on the double date even though everybody wanted to do something different.

dump someone
- end a relationship by telling someone that you don't want to see him or her
The woman dumped her boyfriend after they began to have many fights.

fall for (someone)
- fall in love with someone
She always seems to fall for the wrong person and is never happy.

fall in love (with someone)
- begin to feel love for someone
He fell in love with a woman from his university class and they got married several months later.

find Mr. Right
- find the right or perfect person
She is always hoping to find Mr. Right but so far she hasn't had any luck.

first love
- the first person that one falls in love with
Her first love was with a boy in her high school art class.

get along with someone
- have a good friendly relationship with someone
The woman gets along with her friends very well.

get back together
- return to a relationship or marriage after breaking up
The man got back together with his girlfriend after separating for several months last winter.

get engaged
- decide to marry someone
He got engaged to his wife several years before they actually got married.

get hitched
- get married
My sister and her boyfriend surprised everyone by suddenly getting hitched last weekend.

get serious
- a relationship becomes serious and long-term
The two students dated for several months before they began to get serious.

give someone (or something) a second chance
- try to save a relationship by forgiving and welcoming the other person back
The girl's boyfriend left her for several months but when he wanted to come back she was happy to give him a second chance.

go dutch
- a date where each person pays half of the expenses
In university many of the students had little money so they often went dutch when they were on a date.

good together
- two people who get along well with each other
They are very good together and nobody has ever seen them argue.

go out with someone
- go on a date or be dating someone
I have been going out with a woman from my hiking club for several months now.

go steady
- date one person regularly (not so common recently but at one time used often by teenagers)
The two students have been going steady for three years now.

have a crush (on someone)
- have strong feelings of love for someone (often for a short time and with no results)
The young girl had a crush on her teacher in junior high school but of course it was an impossible situation.

have a thing for (someone)
- be attracted and care a lot about someone
She seems to have a thing for the new guy who just started to work at her company.

head over heels in love with someone
- be very much in love with someone
My friend is head over heels in love with the accountant in his new company.

hit it off (with someone)
- get along well with someone (usually from the beginning)
I hit it off with a woman in my photography class and we have been dating for several months now.

hung up on someone
- be obsessed with another person
The young woman has been hung up on a member of her tennis club for many months now.

interested in (someone)
- have a romantic interest in someone and possibly want to date that person
My sister has been interested in one of the students in her university biology class for many months now.

kiss and makeup
- become friends again after a fight or argument
After they have a fight the couple is always very quick to kiss and make up.

leave someone for someone else
- end a relationship with your partner and start a relationship with someone else
The man left his wife for his secretary but soon discovered that his life was worse than before.

love at first sight
- fall in love with someone (or something) the first time that one sees him or her
When I saw the woman at the party it was love at first sight and I knew that I wanted to meet her.

made for each other
- two people who get along extremely well
Although we had some differences we got along very well together and seemed to be made for each other.

make eyes at someone
- look at someone in a way that makes it clear that you like that person and find them attractive
The man became angry when he thought that his girlfriend was making eyes at someone else at the party.

make up
- when two people forgive each other after an argument or begin to see each other again after ending a relationship
The couple had a big fight at the restaurant but they quickly made up and things quickly got back to normal.

a match made in heaven
- a couple who get along perfectly
When the two people finally got together it was a match made in heaven and everyone thought that they would stay together forever.

meet/find the right girl/guy
- find the right partner, the one to marry
When she moved to Madrid she joked that she would never return home if she met the right guy.

on the rocks
- a relationship or a marriage that is experiencing problems
They are experiencing many problems at the moment and their relationship appears to be on the rocks.

the one (for someone)
- the right partner, the one to marry
As soon as I introduced my girlfriend to my mother she said that she was probably the one for me.

one and only
- the only person that one loves
She was his one and only and he felt lost when the relationship ended.

patch up a relationship
- repair a broken relationship
Although the couple had been fighting and wanted to separate they managed to patch up their relationship and are now very happy together.

perfect couple
- two people who appear to get along perfectly
Our neighors have always seemed to be the perfect couple.

pop the question
- ask someone to marry you
He put much thought into his possible wedding before he actually decided to pop the question.

puppy love
- infatuation (strong feelings of love) between school-age children or teenagers
The two teenagers thought that their love was the greatest in the world but everyone knew that it was only puppy love.

say "I do"
- get married (during a wedding ceremony it is common to say "I do" when you agree to marry your partner)
He loved the woman very much and was hoping that she would say "I do" as soon as they could make the wedding arrangements.

seeing someone
- be dating someone on a regular basis
The woman was not seeing anyone when she met a man who she liked at the party.

set a date
- decide on a date for a wedding
After thinking about marriage for a long time they have finally decided to set a date.

settle down
- establish a regular routine after getting married
After dating dozens of women the young man finally decided to settle down.

split up
- two people in a relationship decide to end their relationship
My sister's daughter and her boyfriend decided to split up after being together for seven years.

steal someone's heart
- cause someone to fall in love with you
She quickly stole the heart of the man who was working beside her at her office.

take one's vows
- get married and take your wedding vows (promises)
They were taking their vows down at the county courthouse when I came for a visit.

those three little words
- the words "I love you"
After several months of dating the young man finally said those three little words to his girlfriend.

tie the knot
- get married
After dating for several years the young couple suddenly decided to tie the knot.

true love
- a genuine feeling of romantic love
It seemed like true love until we began to fight all of the time.

unrequited love
- love that is not returned, one-way love
The woman was in love with the president of her company but from the beginning it was a case of unrequited love.

walk down the aisle together
- get married (in this case in a Christian church where many weddings take place and where the bride walks down the aisle to the altar)
They get along very well and they have finally decided to walk down the aisle and begin their life together.

walk out on
- abandon your partner and end a relationship
The man walked out on his wife and their small baby and nobody knew the reason why.

whisper sweet nothings in someone's ear
- romantic, intimate talk
The movie was rather romantic and most of the scenes had the actor whispering sweet nothings in the ear of the actress.


'영어앤영문권' 카테고리의 다른 글

Are You Stuck in a Rut and Can't Get Out?  (0) 2008.05.08
A match made in heaven (천생연분)  (0) 2008.05.08
My Body  (0) 2008.05.06
You are holy  (0) 2008.04.27
You are Good - Nichole Nordeman  (0) 2008.04.26
Posted by '김용환'

My Body

영어앤영문권 2008. 5. 6. 10:17

우리의 몸에 대한 영어 이야기


깊숙이 영어에 대해서 공부를 하다보면, 내 몸을 어떻게 영어로 표현할까 라는 생각이 들었다.

물론 영어 학원에서 배우는 간단한 것이지만, 실제 외국인과 직접 얘기할 때는 쉽지 않은 것 같다.


특히, 나는 콧수염을 기르지 않아요.  나는 전기 면도기를 써서 깔끔히 정리하는데요~ 라고 말할려고 했는데, 허거걱..... 콧수염이 머였더라~~ ㅋㅋ


결국 moustache이라고 알려주었지만, 사실 아는 단어였는데..


바로 해보는 것이 중요하다. 내가 내 몸을 설명할 정도가 되어야 영어가 나오는 것이다. 즉 영어로 설명할 정도로 익숙해야 외국인에게 얘기할 수준이 된다는 사실이 깨달았다.

간단한것부터~ 말할 수 있는 것이 중요한 것같다~ ^^


배꼽은 belly button이었다니~ ㅋㅋ

잼나는데~ 한번 읽어보면서 보캐를 정복해보자~ ㅋ



Your Body, Page 1

Your body has many parts, from the hair on the top of your head to the toes at the end of your foot.  This lesson will teach you the names of those parts using pictures of real people as illustrations.  (Editor's Note: Some parts of your body are personal and private, and therefore will not be included in this lesson.  We understand that it is important to know the English names of ALL your parts in order to be able to tell a doctor about any problems you might have with those parts.  For that reason, the names of those parts,  with illustrations from a medical book, will be sent to you via e-mail if you send us a request.)

The human body can be described in many different ways depending on its size and shape.  A thin body can be scrawny, slim, skinny, slender, bony or emaciated. (Look in your English/Your Language dictionary to find definitions of these words.A heavy body can be fat, plump, obese, chubby, stocky or corpulent.  Between these extremes are bodies that are shapely, curvaceous, svelte, athletic, average (for women) or trim, rangy, muscular, athletic, average (for men).  A person can be tall, short or of average or medium height.  

The Human Head

A normal human head has hair covering its top, rear and upper sides. It has two ears, one on each side of the head.  The front of the head is called a face.  A face consists of a forehead across the top of the face, two eyebrows at the bottom of the forehead, and two eyes, one under each eyebrow.  Beginning between the eyes and extending downward is a nose.  The nose has two openings at the bottom called nostrils.  On either side of the nose are your cheeks.  Below the nose are the upper and lower lips.  The lips guard an opening called a mouth.  Inside the mouth are top and bottom teeth which grow out of the gums.  Growing from the bottom center of the mouth is a tongue.  Behind the tongue is an opening called a throat which leads to the lungs and the stomach.  Under the mouth is the front part of your lower jaw called a chin.  

The head is connected to the rest of the body by the neck.  In the front of the neck is a bump called your Adam's apple or voice box.  This bump is much more noticeable in men than in women.

Hair terms

Hair can be straight, wavy, curly or kinky.

Hair can be blond, brown, black, gray, white or red.  These colors can be divided into honey blond, strawberry blond, dirty blond, mousey brown,  reddish-brown (auburn), grizzled (like the beard above), salt-and-pepper.

Hair can be long or short or medium length.  It can be close-cropped or shoulder-length.  It can be permed, teased, dreadlocked, styled or natural.

Many people, mostly females, change the color of their hair.  They dye their hair or color their hair to give themselves a different appearance or to cover gray or white hair. 

The person in the picture above has dark brown hair. (A woman with brown hair is called a brunette.)  The hair above is slightly wavy and medium-length. The person also has a neatly-trimmed moustache and a grizzled beard.

Face terms

Faces come in various shapes.  They can be oval, heart-shaped, round or square.  Faces can be described as being beautiful, pretty, striking, cute, interesting, handsome, average, plain, homely or ugly,

There are many muscles in your face that allow you to form many different expressions.  By moving or tensing the muscles of your jaw, your lips, your eyes, your forehead and other parts of your face,  you can look happy, sad, excited, curious, angry, bored, afraid, loving or worried.

Usually our faces form these expressions  on their own, based on the feelings we have at the moment.  Actors, politicians and some criminals learn to form various expressions with their faces that are not related to their emotions.  That makes it difficult for others to know for sure what they are really thinking or feeling.

Some people claim to know what a person is thinking or feeling by the look in his eyes, but the eyes do not change. What people really notice is the tiny changes in the rest of the face that surround the eyes.

Your eyes have many different parts.  Your eyelids are the skin coverings that slide down over your eyeballs when you blink.  Eyelashes are short, curved hairs that grow from the bottom edge of your eyelids.  Eyebrows are the short, curved hairs that grow above your eyelids.  The colored part of your eyeballs is called the cornea. Corneas can be blue, green, brown, yellow, or a combination of colors.  The pupil is a black dot in the center of your cornea. The pupil grows larger when the light is dim and smaller when the light is bright.

A person with no hair on his head is said to be bald.  If there is hair on some parts of the head but not on others, that person is partially bald.  A person who is loosing his or her hair over a period of time is said to be balding.

The glass or plastic lenses set in metal or plastic frames and supported by the nose and ears are called glasses, eyeglasses or spectacles.  If the lenses have two or three sections in them, they are called bifocals or trifocals.  Lenses that are placed directly on the eyeball are called contacts or contact lenses.




Your Body, Page Two

Below your neck is the part of your body called the torso.  Sometimes it is just called 'your body'.  The upper front part of your torso is called the chest.  The chest is like a skin and muscle-covered cage.  The cage is made of curved bones called ribs.  Inside this cage are your lungs and your heart.  Below the chest is the area called the abdomen.  Sometimes this area is also called your stomach or belly.  Inside the abdomen, or in the abdominal cavity, are located the actual stomach organ, the liver, the spleen, the large and small intestines, and the bladder.   Women also have their uterus and ovaries in the abdominal cavity.

The rear part of the torso is called the back.  Within each side of the upper back are flat bones called shoulder blades.  Down through the center of the back, from the neck to the bottom of the torso, is a series of bones called the spine or backbone.  The small bones that make up the spine are called vertebrae.  The bottom end of the spine is called the tail bone.  The kidneys are located on either side of the spine inside the lower section of the back.

Below the back and on either side of the tailbone are fleshy mounds called buttocks.  The buttocks provide padding when we sit down.  There are many English words used to refer to a person's buttocks, but some of them are not very polite.  Here are some that are not so bad: backside, rear end, butt, posterior, gluteus maximus (the name of the main muscle in the buttocks).

At the top center of the torso are two bones that slant down to the top center of the chest.  These are called your collar bones, or clavicles. In the center of your chest is a flat bone called the breast bone or sternum.  On both sides of a man's chest are dark circular patches of skin with a small bump in the center.  This bump, and sometimes the whole dark patch, is called a nipple.  Women have similar, but larger bumps, also called nipples, at the tips of fleshy mounds called breasts.

In the center of the abdomen is a round area of scar tissue called the navel or belly button.  The area around your torso, below your ribs and passing over your navel is called your waist.  The sides of your torso are called sides - left side or right side.

Finally, we will deal with the parts of your body known as your extremities: arms, hands, legs and feet.  The dividing line between your torso and your legs is a little confusing.  On either side of your body below your waist, where the upper leg bone, or thigh, meets the pelvis bone, is an area known as your hips.  Between your hips, at the very bottom of your torso, is your body's equipment for elimination of waste and for procreation (making babies).  These are the parts that I will not name in this lesson.  If you want this information, request it in an e-mail.  I will then send you the acceptable English words for those parts and diagrams from a medical book to illustrate them.

The upper part of your leg is called your thigh.  At the bottom of the thigh is a joint called the knee which allows your leg to bend.  On the front of the knee is a bone called the kneecap, or patella.  The lower half of your leg is called  your shin and the bone in the front of your lower leg is the shin bone.  The back of your lower leg is called your calf.  This mainly refers to the large muscle at the top rear of your lower leg.  The lower leg ends at your ankle joint.  Your foot is connected to the other end of the ankle.  The back of the foot is a well-padded area known as your heel.  The front of your foot ends in five toes, the largest one called your big toe and the smallest one called your little toe.  The tops of the toes are protected by your toenails.

The place where your upper arm joins your torso is called your shoulder.  The most common term for your upper arm is just that, upper arm.  The large muscle in the front of your upper arm is called your bicep.  The upper arm connects to the lower arm, or forearm, at a joint called the elbow.  The two bones of your forearm meet at your wrist joint.  Your hand is connected to the other end of the wrist,  A normal hand consists of a palm (the fleshy, padded front part of the hand), one thumb and four fingers.  The finger next to the thumb is called your index finger.  The finger furthest from the thumb is your little finger, or pinkie.  Next to the little finger is your ring finger.  The hard materials at the end of your fingers are called fingernails (or thumbnail on your thumb





'영어앤영문권' 카테고리의 다른 글

A match made in heaven (천생연분)  (0) 2008.05.08
관계와 사랑에 대한 Idioms(Relationships & Love; Idioms )  (0) 2008.05.08
You are holy  (0) 2008.04.27
You are Good - Nichole Nordeman  (0) 2008.04.26
Who is Israel Houghton?  (1) 2008.04.13
Posted by '김용환'

You are holy

영어앤영문권 2008. 4. 27. 18:42





You are Holy (Prince of Peace) Key G

Michael W. Smith

You are Holy (Prince of peace)

GUYS              GIRLS Echo
 D        G
You are holy     (you are holy)
You are mighty   (you are mighty)
You are worthy   (you are worthy)
Worthy of praise (worthy of praise)

I will follow    (I will follow)
I will listen    (I will listen)
I will love you  (I will love you)
 D         G
All of my days   (all of my days)


    GUYS			   GIRLS
I will sing to	   C2     (You're the lord of lords)
And worship        D/F#   (You're the king of kings)
The king who       Em7    (You're are mighty God)
Is worthy          G      (Lord of everything)
I will love and	   C2     (You're emmanuel)
Adore him          D/F#   (You're the Great I am)
I will bow down	   Em7    (You're the Prince of Peace)
before him         G      (Who is the lamb)
I will sing to	   C2     (You're the living God)
And worship        D/F#   (You're my saving grace)
The king who       Em7    (You will reign forever)
Is worthy          G      (You're the acient of days)
I will love and	   C2     (You're the Alpha, Omega)
Adore him          D/F#   (Beginning and End)
I will bow down    Em7    (You're my Savior, Messiah)
Before him         G      (Redeemer and friend)

                 G          C2           
		You're my prince of peace
		and I will live my life for you




'영어앤영문권' 카테고리의 다른 글

관계와 사랑에 대한 Idioms(Relationships & Love; Idioms )  (0) 2008.05.08
My Body  (0) 2008.05.06
You are Good - Nichole Nordeman  (0) 2008.04.26
Who is Israel Houghton?  (1) 2008.04.13
Friend of God - Israel Houghton  (0) 2008.04.13
Posted by '김용환'



Have you ever heard a song that as you listened, your heart shouted,
"Thank You, Jesus!"? This is one of those for me...

"You Are Good"--Nicole Nordeman

When the Sun starts to rise and I open my eyes
You are Good, So Good
In the heat of the day with each stone that I lay
You are so Good

With every breath I take in
I'll tell You I'm grateful again
When the moon climbs high
before each kiss good night
You are Good

When the road starts to turn around each bend I've learned
You are good, So Good
And when somebody's hand holds me up, helps me stand
You are...So Good

With every breath I take in, I'll tell You I'm grateful again
'Cause It's more than enough just to know I am loved
and You are Good

So how can I thank You? What can I bring?
What can these poor hands lay at the feet of the King?
So I'll sing You a love song.
It's all that I have to tell You
I'm grateful for holding my life in Your hands.

When it's dark and it's cold and I can't find my soul
You are Good, So Good
When the world has gone gray and the rain's here to stay
You are STILL Good

With every breath I take in I'll tell You I'm grateful again
Though the storms they may swell, even then it is well and
You are Good

So how can I thank You? What can I bring?
What can these poor hands lay at the feet of the King?
So I'll sing You a love song.
It's all that I have to tell You
I'm grateful for holding my life in Your hands

You are holding my life in Your hands


....Does anyone want to learn to play this song so I can sing it??

'영어앤영문권' 카테고리의 다른 글

My Body  (0) 2008.05.06
You are holy  (0) 2008.04.27
Who is Israel Houghton?  (1) 2008.04.13
Friend of God - Israel Houghton  (0) 2008.04.13
Turn it around  (1) 2008.04.13
Posted by '김용환'

흑인 아버지, 그리고 백인 어머니.. 그를 임신했을 때는 엄마 나이 17살..
부모님은 그녀가 솔직히 임신에 대해서 고백했지만, 그녀의 부모는 낙태를 권유했다..
그녀는 애기를 살리기 위해서 집을 나왔다.... 원래 살던 아이오와 주를 떠났다.
그러다가. 그저... 할 수 있는 것이 없었따..
그녀는 길을 방황하다가 캘리포니아에서 만난 한 전도자를 통해서 인생이 바뀌었다.

"예수님은 당신을 사랑하세요....."
I don’t know you, and I don’t want to give you a hard time, but I was driving by and I really felt that I needed to come tell you Jesus loves you. You’re not forgotten. You did the right thing. It’s going to be all right

그러면서 그 전도자는 그녀에게 위로하고, 성경책을 선물하였다.

성경책을 읽으면서, 그녀는 성경에서 자주 나오는 단어 이스라엘을.... 흑인 아들에게 이름을 붙여 주었다.

그녀는 흑인 애기를 낳은 지 1년 후 지역 교회의 목사와 결혼하고, 인생이 바뀌게 되었다.
그렇게 태어난 애기는 음악적인 놀라운 재능이 있었고,...  하나님께 헌신한 음악적 사역자가 된다.
New Breed 와 함께 하나님의 일을 한다.

그는 그래미상을 두번이나 타게 된다.
또한 조엘 오스틴이 있는 레이크우드 교회에서 음악 사역자로서 활동하고 있다.

그가 하는 모든 사역에서 하나님이 손길이 있다.

한국에서 유명하지 않지만.. 그의 곡에서 엄청난 영성이 느껴진다.
자세한 얘기는 아래의 영어 인터부에서 확인할 수 있다. 이래서 영어 공부하는 맛이 난다.. ㅎㅎ

한글 참조 :이스라엘-휴톤-Turn-it-around

출처 :


Israel Houghton: An Intimate Portrait of Worship

By Kristi Watts and Julie Blim
The 700 Club

CBN.comIn this interview with Lisa Ryan, Joel Osteen’s worship leader shares how he went from a likely abortion statistic to a true friend of God.

LISA RYAN: You had a difficult start in life. You could have easily been an abortion statistic.

ISRAEL HOUGHTON: I could have. My mother is white. My biological father is black. When my mother was 17, she got pregnant. They lived in Waterloo, Iowa, which at the time in 1971 was a very segregated society. She came home and told her parents, ‘I’m pregnant and the father is black.’ They had a really difficult time with it.

The suggestion was, ‘Have an abortion. Move on with your life.’ She was a terrific concert pianist, she had everything ahead of her, and in a lot of ways had every reason to go, ‘Let’s just chalk this up as a mistake and move on.’ She said, ‘No, no, I’m going to keep this baby.’ She ended up kind of getting shunned for a good chunk of her life after that and didn’t have a lot of contact with her parents.

When she was eight months pregnant, her and my father split up. So, if you get the picture, it’s 17,000 miles from home, she is pregnant with a black man’s baby that the state of California is getting ready to take away from her because she was considered an unfit mother, and she was on drugs. It was like the perfect Lifetime movie.

God sovereignly knew what was going on and made it such that this lady came up to her out of the blue and said, ‘I don’t know you, and I don’t want to give you a hard time, but I was driving by and I really felt that I needed to come tell you Jesus loves you. You’re not forgotten. You did the right thing. It’s going to be all right.’

Those words of life were so powerful to her and so revolutionary to her that she got on her knees on the street corner on Carlsbad Avenue, out of San Diego, and gave her life to the Lord. I’m here today because of that woman’s faithfulness to God to share the gospel with my mother.

LISA RYAN: How did your background and circumstances affect your relationship with God?

ISRAEL HOUGHTON: When I was 7, I met my grandfather for the first time, who was the same guy who told my mother, ‘You got to move on.’ I saw my cousins and my younger siblings running up and jumping on his lap and hanging out. A great time was being had by all. So I thought, Let me do the same thing. Well, I ran and jumped up on his lap, and the next thing I knew, I was on my back. He had pushed me to the ground. He had still not been able to make peace with this cultural thing. I just said, ‘What’s wrong with me? Why?’

Later on you’d hear, especially when worship started taking shape, you know, Kent Henry was one of those worship leaders, ‘Hey, just crawl into your Father’s lap and let Him love you.’ And I’m sitting there going, I’m having a difficult time with that.

You want to think you’ve moved on from that, but at the same time, the intimacy of worship with God, it affected me. I realized, You’ve gone through all of this, not to hurt you but to shape you, to be acquainted with the pain that a lot of people feel. So it has shaped my life incredibly by just diving into the Father’s love and encouraging others to do it -- not trivializing the pain that a lot of people who come to church and come to a concert or whatever are feeling, but just the sensitivity to where people are at and helping them come into a place of breaking through into what God really has for them.

When you read Psalm 139, it throws out all the ‘I’m here accidentally’ stuff that I believed for so long. I felt like an accident. I felt like a mistake. But when you understand, ‘I’m fearfully and wonderfully made; I’m skillfully crafted; how precious are your thoughts toward me; how marvelous are your works,’ when you start considering all that and going, Ok, I didn’t just sneak into the earth, I was created for something great, the more I dwell on that, the more I meditate on that, the more I share that with people who want to hear it, the better I feel about why I’m here.

I love being home. My first ministry is in this house. The church that I pastor is right here. My congregation consists of Malaysia, Mariah, Duncan, and Mylonlily, and everything else is secondary, including Lakewood.

I believe that if I don’t take care of my family as a great leader and husband and father, I could have all kinds of accolades and awards and a big mantle up there or something with a bunch of statuettes, but if my children don’t respect me, if I haven’t been a good husband, then that’s all a joke to me.

My first real experience with worship, I was 19. I was playing drums in the church band at a church in Phoenix, and they asked me to be the worship leader. They had heard me sing or something and they said, ‘Why don’t you consider leading worship for us?’ I said something like, ‘I’ll pray about that.’ He said, ‘Pray hard because you start tonight!’ Honestly, I didn’t know what I was doing. I was like Ron Kenoly Jr. -- I knew three Ron Kenoly songs, and I sang them every service, for weeks. Finally, this lady came up to me and she said, ‘You might want to go find your sound and go find who you are.’ My first real experience of just knowing this is what I was born for, this is what I was created for, I took my piano in to the kitchen because I had tile on the kitchen floor, and it was great acoustics in there and I would just worship. Four, five, and six hours would go by, and I’d sit there weeping and crying and having this conversation with God all by myself. I like to say I was doing worship before it was popular. I was doing worship as a lifestyle before it was a section at the bookstore.

When I started getting into the recording industry, I would hear, ‘Choose a style,’ and I used to say, ‘How about we just put it all together?’ Because when we get to heaven, there’s not going to be sections -- ‘This is the black section of heaven. This is the white section of heaven. What kind of music do you like? Well you’re going to be over in that room.’

I believe the Kingdom has a sound. I believe glory has a sound. So I want to be a part of doing it. I believe it’s a very multi-cultural mix of sound and style and lyric and melody and everything else.

LISA RYAN: What do you hope is accomplished in people’s lives through your worship?

ISRAEL HOUGHTON: Ultimately hope, which ultimately leads to transformation. I believe worship has the power to change. The environment has the power to change a life. People need hope.

I want to give good news to people. I want people to experience hope, and if somebody could lift their hands and say, ‘I am a friend of God,’ whether they felt like they were or not. The word says, ‘You are’, so walk in that. The more they sing it, the more they believe it, the more healing that comes to them.

I love watching the transformation. I love watching the guy who came to church because his wife forced him to and he’s standing there, he’s got his arms folded, and we go, ‘Lord, we lift our hands to You.’ And he’s like, I’m not doing that. You get to the end of the service, and somehow this guy has begun to cry. He’s got his hands lifted up. He doesn’t know what’s happening. I think worship and the Word of God has so much to do with that.

LISA RYAN: What does the future hold for you? What are some things that you want to accomplish?

ISRAEL HOUGHTON: I want to build a dynasty that speaks of what I’m building along the way and what I’m leaving behind, as opposed to a destiny that speaks of my destination, of where I’m ultimately going with this, of the fact that I hope I’m going to go to heaven and it’s going to be great. My goal is not just to get to heaven, but to truly build something lasting. So the songs I write, the people whose lives I touch, I want it to be a lasting thing. I’m more interested in building a legacy and a dynasty with my children and with spiritual sons and daughters that God gives me opportunity to lead and to mentor and to inspire. I want it to be something that brings honor and glory to the Lord. I want Him to smile and go, ‘That’s My boy right there. That’s My friend right there.” If I could be a friend of God by just doing what He called me to do while I’m here and doing it in a maximized way, then I’m going to.

'영어앤영문권' 카테고리의 다른 글

You are holy  (0) 2008.04.27
You are Good - Nichole Nordeman  (0) 2008.04.26
Friend of God - Israel Houghton  (0) 2008.04.13
Turn it around  (1) 2008.04.13
Dikembe Mutombo  (0) 2008.04.11
Posted by '김용환'
I love this song. It's my confess.


Who am I that you are mindful of me?
That you hear me, when I call
Is it true that you are thinking of me?
How you love me! It's amazing!!!

I am a friend of God!!!
I am a friend of God!!!
I am a friend of God,
He calls me friend!!!

God Almighty, Lord of Glory
You have called me friend!!!
In Passion 2007

In Lakewood Church

In KOSTA2007

Saddleback Church

여기는 기타 악보

'영어앤영문권' 카테고리의 다른 글

You are Good - Nichole Nordeman  (0) 2008.04.26
Who is Israel Houghton?  (1) 2008.04.13
Turn it around  (1) 2008.04.13
Dikembe Mutombo  (0) 2008.04.11
Just wait a second  (0) 2008.04.11
Posted by '김용환'

Turn it around

영어앤영문권 2008. 4. 13. 11:03

Joel Osteen 목사님이 있는 Lakewood 교회에서 매주 예배를 인도하는 이스라엘 휴튼이 만든 곡이다.
한국에서는 아직 번역곡으로 안 불리는 것 같다.

우선 곡을 들어보시라~

Turn it around open the windows of Heaven
pour out a blessing overflow
Turn it around open the windows of Heaven
pour out a blessing we cannot contain
let it rain let it rain

All things are possible for you
all things are possible
nothing's too difficult for you
nothing's to difficult  * 2

I'm ready for change
ready for rain
ready for favor
I know you able to

Chorus: Turn it around open the windows of Heaven
pour out a blessing overflow
turn it around
open the windows of Heaven
pour out a blessing we cannot contain
let it rain let it rain

You have turned my mourning to dancing you've turned my sorrow to joy you have turned my whole life around
thank you thank you Lord

'영어앤영문권' 카테고리의 다른 글

Who is Israel Houghton?  (1) 2008.04.13
Friend of God - Israel Houghton  (0) 2008.04.13
Dikembe Mutombo  (0) 2008.04.11
Just wait a second  (0) 2008.04.11
조엘 오스틴 목사님의 매주 말씀 선포전 고백  (0) 2008.04.11
Posted by '김용환'