'2016/08/20'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2016.08.20 [jenkins] 사용할 수 있는 jenkins 환경 변수

jenkins에 job을 생성하고 jenkins의 환경 변수를 스크립트에서 쓸 수 있는 환경 변수를 얻으려면 다음 주소를 살펴본다.


build number, build url, job name, jenkins url, build tag 등 다양한 환경 변수를 사용할 수 있다. 

주의사항으로.. 장비 이름과 실제 호출되는 도메인 이름이 다를 때는 jenkins url이 의도한 것과 달리 나타날 수 있다.

jenkis url은 node 기준으로 나타나기 때문에 호출시 불리우는 dns name이 아닐 수 있다.  장비 관점의 도메인이 아니라, dns 서버 관점의 도메인이 url로 볼 수 없다. 이는 jenkins 로그인 설정이 활성화되어 있는 경우, 스크립트 내부에서 jenkins url을 사용할 때, 로그인을 다시 해야 하는 상황이 생길 수 있다. 

Environment VariableDescription
BUILD_NUMBERThe current build number, such as "153"
BUILD_IDThe current build id, such as "2005-08-22_23-59-59" (YYYY-MM-DD_hh-mm-ss, defunct since version 1.597)
The URL where the results of this build can be found (e.g. http://buildserver/jenkins/job/MyJobName/666/)
NODE_NAMEThe name of the node the current build is running on. Equals 'master' for master node.
JOB_NAMEName of the project of this build. This is the name you gave your job when you first set it up. It's the third column of the Jenkins Dashboard main page.
BUILD_TAGString of jenkins-${JOB_NAME}-${BUILD_NUMBER}. Convenient to put into a resource file, a jar file, etc for easier identification.
JENKINS_URLSet to the URL of the Jenkins master that's running the build. This value is used by Jenkins CLI for example
EXECUTOR_NUMBERThe unique number that identifies the current executor (among executors of the same machine) that's carrying out this build. This is the number you see in the "build executor status", except that the number starts from 0, not 1.
JAVA_HOMEIf your job is configured to use a specific JDK, this variable is set to the JAVA_HOME of the specified JDK. When this variable is set, PATH is also updated to have $JAVA_HOME/bin.
WORKSPACEThe absolute path of the workspace.
SVN_REVISIONFor Subversion-based projects, this variable contains the revision number of the module. If you have more than one module specified, this won't be set. 
CVS_BRANCHFor CVS-based projects, this variable contains the branch of the module. If CVS is configured to check out the trunk, this environment variable will not be set.
For Git-based projects, this variable contains the Git hash of the commit checked out for the build (like ce9a3c1404e8c91be604088670e93434c4253f03) (all the GIT_* variables require git plugin)     
GIT_URLFor Git-based projects, this variable contains the Git url (like git@github.com:user/repo.git or [https://github.com/user/repo.git])
For Git-based projects, this variable contains the Git branch that was checked out for the build (normally origin/master) 

Posted by '김용환'