View Javadoc 1 /*
2 * Copyright 2009-2011 The MyBatis Team
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
16 package org.apache.ibatis.executor;
18 import;
19 import;
20 import;
21 import;
22 import org.apache.ibatis.BaseDataTest;
23 import org.apache.ibatis.logging.jdbc.ConnectionLogger;
24 import org.apache.ibatis.mapping.MappedStatement;
25 import org.apache.ibatis.session.Configuration;
26 import org.apache.ibatis.session.RowBounds;
27 import org.apache.ibatis.transaction.Transaction;
28 import org.apache.ibatis.transaction.jdbc.JdbcTransaction;
29 import static org.junit.Assert.*;
30 import org.junit.Test;
32 import javax.sql.DataSource;
33 import java.sql.Connection;
34 import java.util.HashMap;
35 import java.util.List;
36 import java.util.Map;
38 public class BaseExecutorTest extends BaseDataTest {
39 protected final Configuration config;
41 public BaseExecutorTest() {
42 config = new Configuration();
43 config.setLazyLoadingEnabled(true);
44 config.setUseGeneratedKeys(false);
45 config.setMultipleResultSetsEnabled(true);
46 config.setUseColumnLabel(true);
47 config.setDefaultStatementTimeout(5000);
48 }
50 @Test
51 public void shouldInsertNewAuthorWithBeforeAutoKey() throws Exception {
52 DataSource ds = createBlogDataSource();
53 Connection connection = ds.getConnection();
54 Executor executor = createExecutor(new JdbcTransaction(connection));
55 try {
56 Author author = new Author(-1, "someone", "******", "", null, Section.NEWS);
57 MappedStatement insertStatement = ExecutorTestHelper.prepareInsertAuthorMappedStatementWithBeforeAutoKey(config);
58 MappedStatement selectStatement = ExecutorTestHelper.prepareSelectOneAuthorMappedStatement(config);
59 int rows = executor.update(insertStatement, author);
60 assertTrue(rows > 0 || rows == BatchExecutor.BATCH_UPDATE_RETURN_VALUE);
61 if (rows == BatchExecutor.BATCH_UPDATE_RETURN_VALUE) {
62 executor.flushStatements();
63 }
64 assertEquals(123456, author.getId());
65 if (author.getId() != BatchExecutor.BATCH_UPDATE_RETURN_VALUE) {
66 List<Author> authors = executor.query(selectStatement, author.getId(), RowBounds.DEFAULT, Executor.NO_RESULT_HANDLER);
67 executor.rollback(true);
68 assertEquals(1, authors.size());
69 assertEquals(author.toString(), authors.get(0).toString());
70 assertTrue(author.getId() >= 10000);
71 }
72 } finally {
73 executor.rollback(true);
74 executor.close(false);
75 }
76 }
78 @Test
79 public void shouldInsertNewAuthor() throws Exception {
80 DataSource ds = createBlogDataSource();
81 Connection connection = ds.getConnection();
82 Executor executor = createExecutor(new JdbcTransaction(connection));
83 try {
84 Author author = new Author(99, "someone", "******", "", null, Section.NEWS);
85 MappedStatement insertStatement = ExecutorTestHelper.prepareInsertAuthorMappedStatement(config);
86 MappedStatement selectStatement = ExecutorTestHelper.prepareSelectOneAuthorMappedStatement(config);
87 int rows = executor.update(insertStatement, author);
88 List<Author> authors = executor.query(selectStatement, 99, RowBounds.DEFAULT, Executor.NO_RESULT_HANDLER);
89 executor.flushStatements();
90 executor.rollback(true);
91 assertEquals(1, authors.size());
92 assertEquals(author.toString(), authors.get(0).toString());
93 assertTrue(1 == rows || BatchExecutor.BATCH_UPDATE_RETURN_VALUE == rows);
94 } finally {
95 executor.rollback(true);
96 executor.close(false);
97 }
98 }
100 @Test
101 public void shouldSelectAllAuthorsAutoMapped() throws Exception {
102 DataSource ds = createBlogDataSource();
103 Connection connection = ds.getConnection();
104 Executor executor = createExecutor(new JdbcTransaction(connection));
105 try {
106 MappedStatement selectStatement = ExecutorTestHelper.prepareSelectAllAuthorsAutoMappedStatement(config);
107 List<Author> authors = executor.query(selectStatement, null, RowBounds.DEFAULT, Executor.NO_RESULT_HANDLER);
108 assertEquals(2, authors.size());
109 Author author = authors.get(0);
110 // id,username, password, email, bio, favourite_section
111 // (101,'jim','********','','','NEWS');
112 assertEquals(101, author.getId());
113 assertEquals("jim", author.getUsername());
114 assertEquals("", author.getEmail());
115 assertEquals("", author.getBio());
116 assertEquals(Section.NEWS, author.getFavouriteSection());
117 } finally {
118 executor.rollback(true);
119 executor.close(false);
120 }
121 }
123 @Test
124 public void shouldInsertNewAuthorWithAutoKey() throws Exception {
125 DataSource ds = createBlogDataSource();
126 Connection connection = ds.getConnection();
127 Executor executor = createExecutor(new JdbcTransaction(connection));
128 try {
129 Author author = new Author(-1, "someone", "******", "", null, Section.NEWS);
130 MappedStatement insertStatement = ExecutorTestHelper.prepareInsertAuthorMappedStatementWithAutoKey(config);
131 MappedStatement selectStatement = ExecutorTestHelper.prepareSelectOneAuthorMappedStatement(config);
132 int rows = executor.update(insertStatement, author);
133 assertTrue(rows > 0 || rows == BatchExecutor.BATCH_UPDATE_RETURN_VALUE);
134 if (rows == BatchExecutor.BATCH_UPDATE_RETURN_VALUE) {
135 executor.flushStatements();
136 }
137 assertTrue(-1 != author.getId());
138 if (author.getId() != BatchExecutor.BATCH_UPDATE_RETURN_VALUE) {
139 List<Author> authors = executor.query(selectStatement, author.getId(), RowBounds.DEFAULT, Executor.NO_RESULT_HANDLER);
140 executor.rollback(true);
141 assertEquals(1, authors.size());
142 assertEquals(author.toString(), authors.get(0).toString());
143 assertTrue(author.getId() >= 10000);
144 }
145 } finally {
146 executor.rollback(true);
147 executor.close(false);
148 }
149 }
151 @Test
152 public void shouldInsertNewAuthorByProc() throws Exception {
153 DataSource ds = createBlogDataSource();
154 Connection connection = ds.getConnection();
155 Executor executor = createExecutor(new JdbcTransaction(connection));
156 try {
157 Author author = new Author(97, "someone", "******", "", null, null);
158 MappedStatement insertStatement = ExecutorTestHelper.prepareInsertAuthorProc(config);
159 MappedStatement selectStatement = ExecutorTestHelper.prepareSelectOneAuthorMappedStatement(config);
160 int rows = executor.update(insertStatement, author);
161 List<Author> authors = executor.query(selectStatement, 97, RowBounds.DEFAULT, Executor.NO_RESULT_HANDLER);
162 executor.flushStatements();
163 executor.rollback(true);
164 assertEquals(1, authors.size());
165 assertEquals(author.toString(), authors.get(0).toString());
166 } finally {
167 executor.rollback(true);
168 executor.close(false);
169 }
170 }
172 @Test
173 public void shouldInsertNewAuthorUsingSimpleNonPreparedStatements() throws Exception {
174 DataSource ds = createBlogDataSource();
175 Connection connection = ds.getConnection();
176 Executor executor = createExecutor(new JdbcTransaction(connection));
177 try {
178 Author author = new Author(99, "someone", "******", "", null, null);
179 MappedStatement insertStatement = ExecutorTestHelper.createInsertAuthorWithIDof99MappedStatement(config);
180 MappedStatement selectStatement = ExecutorTestHelper.createSelectAuthorWithIDof99MappedStatement(config);
181 int rows = executor.update(insertStatement, null);
182 List<Author> authors = executor.query(selectStatement, 99, RowBounds.DEFAULT, Executor.NO_RESULT_HANDLER);
183 executor.flushStatements();
184 executor.rollback(true);
185 assertEquals(1, authors.size());
186 assertEquals(author.toString(), authors.get(0).toString());
187 assertTrue(1 == rows || BatchExecutor.BATCH_UPDATE_RETURN_VALUE == rows);
188 } finally {
189 executor.rollback(true);
190 executor.close(false);
191 }
192 }
194 @Test
195 public void shouldUpdateAuthor() throws Exception {
196 DataSource ds = createBlogDataSource();
197 Connection connection = ds.getConnection();
198 Executor executor = createExecutor(new JdbcTransaction(connection));
199 try {
200 Author author = new Author(101, "someone", "******", "", null, Section.NEWS);
201 MappedStatement updateStatement = ExecutorTestHelper.prepareUpdateAuthorMappedStatement(config);
202 MappedStatement selectStatement = ExecutorTestHelper.prepareSelectOneAuthorMappedStatement(config);
203 int rows = executor.update(updateStatement, author);
204 List<Author> authors = executor.query(selectStatement, 101, RowBounds.DEFAULT, Executor.NO_RESULT_HANDLER);
205 executor.flushStatements();
206 executor.rollback(true);
207 assertEquals(1, authors.size());
208 assertEquals(author.toString(), authors.get(0).toString());
209 assertTrue(1 == rows || BatchExecutor.BATCH_UPDATE_RETURN_VALUE == rows);
210 } finally {
211 executor.rollback(true);
212 executor.close(false);
213 }
214 }
216 @Test
217 public void shouldDeleteAuthor() throws Exception {
218 DataSource ds = createBlogDataSource();
219 Connection connection = ds.getConnection();
220 Executor executor = createExecutor(new JdbcTransaction(connection));
221 try {
222 Author author = new Author(101, null, null, null, null, null);
223 MappedStatement deleteStatement = ExecutorTestHelper.prepareDeleteAuthorMappedStatement(config);
224 MappedStatement selectStatement = ExecutorTestHelper.prepareSelectOneAuthorMappedStatement(config);
225 int rows = executor.update(deleteStatement, author);
226 List<Author> authors = executor.query(selectStatement, 101, RowBounds.DEFAULT, Executor.NO_RESULT_HANDLER);
227 executor.flushStatements();
228 executor.rollback(true);
229 assertEquals(0, authors.size());
230 assertTrue(1 == rows || BatchExecutor.BATCH_UPDATE_RETURN_VALUE == rows);
231 } finally {
232 executor.rollback(true);
233 executor.close(false);
234 }
235 }
237 @Test
238 public void shouldSelectDiscriminatedProduct() throws Exception {
239 DataSource ds = createJPetstoreDataSource();
240 Connection connection = ds.getConnection();
241 Executor executor = createExecutor(new JdbcTransaction(connection));
242 try {
243 MappedStatement selectStatement = ExecutorTestHelper.prepareSelectDiscriminatedProduct(config);
244 List<Map> products = executor.query(selectStatement, null, RowBounds.DEFAULT, Executor.NO_RESULT_HANDLER);
245 connection.rollback();
246 assertEquals(16, products.size());
247 for (Map m : products) {
248 if ("REPTILES".equals(m.get("category"))) {
249 assertNull(m.get("name"));
250 } else {
251 assertNotNull(m.get("name"));
252 }
253 }
254 } finally {
255 executor.rollback(true);
256 executor.close(false);
257 }
258 }
260 @Test
261 public void shouldSelect10DiscriminatedProducts() throws Exception {
262 DataSource ds = createJPetstoreDataSource();
263 Connection connection = ds.getConnection();
264 Executor executor = createExecutor(new JdbcTransaction(connection));
265 try {
266 MappedStatement selectStatement = ExecutorTestHelper.prepareSelectDiscriminatedProduct(config);
267 List<Map> products = executor.query(selectStatement, null, new RowBounds(4, 10), Executor.NO_RESULT_HANDLER);
268 connection.rollback();
269 assertEquals(10, products.size());
270 for (Map m : products) {
271 if ("REPTILES".equals(m.get("category"))) {
272 assertNull(m.get("name"));
273 } else {
274 assertNotNull(m.get("name"));
275 }
276 }
277 } finally {
278 executor.rollback(true);
279 executor.close(false);
280 }
282 }
284 @Test
285 public void shouldSelectTwoSetsOfAuthorsViaProc() throws Exception {
286 DataSource ds = createBlogDataSource();
287 Connection connection = ds.getConnection();
288 connection.setAutoCommit(false);
289 Executor executor = createExecutor(new JdbcTransaction(connection));
290 try {
291 MappedStatement selectStatement = ExecutorTestHelper.prepareSelectTwoSetsOfAuthorsProc(config);
292 List<List> authorSets = executor.query(selectStatement, new HashMap() {
293 {
294 put("id1", 101);
295 put("id2", 102);
296 }
297 }, RowBounds.DEFAULT, Executor.NO_RESULT_HANDLER);
298 connection.rollback();
299 assertEquals(2, authorSets.size());
300 for (List authors : authorSets) {
301 assertEquals(2, authors.size());
302 for (Object author : authors) {
303 assertTrue(author instanceof Author);
304 }
305 }
306 } finally {
307 executor.rollback(true);
308 executor.close(false);
309 }
310 }
312 @Test
313 public void shouldSelectAuthorViaOutParams() throws Exception {
314 DataSource ds = createBlogDataSource();
315 Connection connection = ds.getConnection();
316 connection.setAutoCommit(false);
317 Executor executor = createExecutor(new JdbcTransaction(connection));
318 try {
319 MappedStatement selectStatement = ExecutorTestHelper.prepareSelectAuthorViaOutParams(config);
320 Author author = new Author(102, null, null, null, null, null);
321 executor.query(selectStatement, author, RowBounds.DEFAULT, Executor.NO_RESULT_HANDLER);
322 connection.rollback();
324 assertEquals("sally", author.getUsername());
325 assertEquals("********", author.getPassword());
326 assertEquals("", author.getEmail());
327 assertEquals(null, author.getBio());
328 } catch (ExecutorException e) {
329 if (executor instanceof CachingExecutor) {
330 // TODO see issue #464. Fail is OK.
331 assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("OUT params is not supported"));
332 } else {
333 throw e;
334 }
335 } finally {
336 executor.rollback(true);
337 executor.close(false);
338 }
339 }
341 @Test
342 public void shouldFetchPostsForBlog() throws Exception {
343 DataSource ds = createBlogDataSource();
344 Connection connection = ds.getConnection();
345 // connection = ConnectionLogger.newInstance(connection);
346 Executor executor = createExecutor(new JdbcTransaction(connection));
347 try {
348 MappedStatement selectBlog = ExecutorTestHelper.prepareComplexSelectBlogMappedStatement(config);
349 MappedStatement selectPosts = ExecutorTestHelper.prepareSelectPostsForBlogMappedStatement(config);
350 config.addMappedStatement(selectBlog);
351 config.addMappedStatement(selectPosts);
352 List<Post> posts = executor.query(selectPosts, 1, RowBounds.DEFAULT, Executor.NO_RESULT_HANDLER);
353 executor.flushStatements();
354 assertEquals(2, posts.size());
355 assertNotNull(posts.get(1).getBlog());
356 assertEquals(1, posts.get(1).getBlog().getId());
357 executor.rollback(true);
358 } finally {
359 executor.rollback(true);
360 executor.close(false);
361 }
362 }
364 @Test
365 public void shouldFetchOneOrphanedPostWithNoBlog() throws Exception {
366 DataSource ds = createBlogDataSource();
367 Connection connection = ds.getConnection();
368 Executor executor = createExecutor(new JdbcTransaction(connection));
369 try {
370 MappedStatement selectBlog = ExecutorTestHelper.prepareComplexSelectBlogMappedStatement(config);
371 MappedStatement selectPost = ExecutorTestHelper.prepareSelectPostMappedStatement(config);
372 config.addMappedStatement(selectBlog);
373 config.addMappedStatement(selectPost);
374 List<Post> posts = executor.query(selectPost, 5, RowBounds.DEFAULT, Executor.NO_RESULT_HANDLER);
375 executor.flushStatements();
376 executor.rollback(true);
377 assertEquals(1, posts.size());
378 Post post = posts.get(0);
379 assertNull(post.getBlog());
380 } finally {
381 executor.rollback(true);
382 executor.close(false);
383 }
384 }
386 @Test
387 public void shouldFetchPostWithBlogWithCompositeKey() throws Exception {
388 DataSource ds = createBlogDataSource();
389 Connection connection = ds.getConnection();
390 Executor executor = createExecutor(new JdbcTransaction(connection));
391 try {
392 MappedStatement selectBlog = ExecutorTestHelper.prepareSelectBlogByIdAndAuthor(config);
393 MappedStatement selectPost = ExecutorTestHelper.prepareSelectPostWithBlogByAuthorMappedStatement(config);
394 config.addMappedStatement(selectBlog);
395 config.addMappedStatement(selectPost);
396 List<Post> posts = executor.query(selectPost, 2, RowBounds.DEFAULT, Executor.NO_RESULT_HANDLER);
397 executor.flushStatements();
398 assertEquals(1, posts.size());
399 Post post = posts.get(0);
400 assertNotNull(post.getBlog());
401 assertEquals(101, post.getBlog().getAuthor().getId());
402 executor.rollback(true);
403 } finally {
404 executor.rollback(true);
405 executor.close(false);
406 }
407 }
410 @Test
411 public void shouldFetchComplexBlogs() throws Exception {
412 DataSource ds = createBlogDataSource();
413 Connection connection = ds.getConnection();
414 Executor executor = createExecutor(new JdbcTransaction(connection));
415 try {
416 MappedStatement selectBlog = ExecutorTestHelper.prepareComplexSelectBlogMappedStatement(config);
417 MappedStatement selectPosts = ExecutorTestHelper.prepareSelectPostsForBlogMappedStatement(config);
418 config.addMappedStatement(selectBlog);
419 config.addMappedStatement(selectPosts);
420 config.setLazyLoadingEnabled(true);
421 List<Blog> blogs = executor.query(selectBlog, 1, RowBounds.DEFAULT, Executor.NO_RESULT_HANDLER);
422 executor.flushStatements();
423 assertEquals(1, blogs.size());
424 assertNotNull(blogs.get(0).getPosts());
425 assertEquals(2, blogs.get(0).getPosts().size());
426 assertEquals(1, blogs.get(0).getPosts().get(1).getBlog().getPosts().get(1).getBlog().getId());
427 executor.rollback(true);
428 } finally {
429 config.setLazyLoadingEnabled(true);
430 executor.rollback(true);
431 executor.close(false);
432 }
433 }
435 @Test
436 public void shouldMapConstructorResults() throws Exception {
437 DataSource ds = createBlogDataSource();
438 Connection connection = ds.getConnection();
439 Executor executor = createExecutor(new JdbcTransaction(connection));
440 try {
441 MappedStatement selectStatement = ExecutorTestHelper.prepareSelectOneAuthorMappedStatementWithConstructorResults(config);
442 List<Author> authors = executor.query(selectStatement, 102, RowBounds.DEFAULT, Executor.NO_RESULT_HANDLER);
443 executor.flushStatements();
444 executor.rollback(true);
445 assertEquals(1, authors.size());
447 Author author = authors.get(0);
448 assertEquals(102, author.getId());
449 } finally {
450 executor.rollback(true);
451 executor.close(false);
452 }
453 }
455 protected Executor createExecutor(Transaction transaction) {
456 return new SimpleExecutor(config,transaction);
457 }
459 }
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