Posted by '김용환'

오라클에 자바 특허를 가지고 안드로이드 관련해서 구글에 고소를 했다.

항목은 다음과 같다.
  • 6,125,447, "Protection domains to provide security in a computer system"
  • 5,966,702, "Controlling access to a resource"
  • 5,966,702, "Method and apparatus for pre-processing and packaging class files"
  • 7,426,720, "System and method for dynamic preloading of classes through memory space cloning of a master runtime system process"
  • RE38,104, "Method and apparatus for resolving data references in generated code"
  • 6,910,205, "Interpreting functions utilizing a hybrid of virtual and native machine instructions"
  • 6,061,520, "Method and system for performing static initialization"

  • 자바의 아버지 제임스 고슬링은 어떤 생각을 하고 있을까? fact와 opinion을 섞어봤다. 에 보면..  잘 나와 있다. 

    Sun이 Oracle에 넘어갈 때, Oracle의 변호사가 반짝거리는 눈을 깜박거리는 것을 볼 수 있었다.
    특허 침해 소송은 썬의 유전자 소송이 아니다. 소송 내용중 고슬링이 특허를 낸 RE38,104 "Method and apparatus for resolving data references in generated code"내용이 포함되어 있다.

    Sun이 IBM의 RISC patent 소송에 져서, 많은 돈을 Sun이 내는 것을 보면서 고슬링은 방어를 위해서 특허가 필요하다고 생각했던 것 같다..
    자유로움이란 무엇인가? 오픈소스?? 아니 개발자가 무엇인가를 선택할 수 있는 자유를 원했다. 단순히 특정 환경에서만 돌아가는 것이 아니라, 어디서든 자유롭게 동작시킬 수 있는 것들을 원했지 않았을까?

    돈이 가장 이슈꺼리다. 구글은 Sun에 자바에 대한 로얄티를 주지 않으려고 햇었다. 결국 sun을 흡수한 oracle은 소송을 걸어버렸다. 사실 구글은 광고로 모바일 플랫폼에서의 광고를 장악하려고 했던 것은 아니었을까?

    누구도 죄없는 회사라고 말할 수 없다. 다만.. MS가 이번 기회에 큰 이익을 얻었으리라 생각된다...




    ------------------------------------- 8월 12일

    The shit finally hits the fan....

    Thursday August 12, 2010

    Oracle finally filed a patent lawsuit against Google. Not a big surprise. During the integration meetings between Sun and Oracle where we were being grilled about the patent situation between Sun and Google, we could see the Oracle lawyer's eyes sparkle. Filing patent suits was never in Sun's genetic code. Alas....

    I hope to avoid getting dragged into the fray: they only picked one of my patents (RE38,104) to sue over.





    ---------------------- 8월 15일


    Quite the firestorm

    Sunday August 15, 2010

    The last couple of days have been quite an entertaining firestorm of press and blog-o-sphere commentary. Lots of questions were brought up that give me a bottomless supply of blog topics. I hope I have the common sense to not write on most of them :-)

    But there are some topics I feel I should briefly say something about:

    • In Sun's early history, we didn't think much of patents. While there's a kernel of good sense in the reasoning for patents, the system itself has gotten goofy. Sun didn't file many patents initially. But then we got sued by IBM for violating the "RISC patent" - a patent that essentially said "if you make something simpler, it'll go faster". Seemed like a blindingly obvious notion that shouldn't have been patentable, but we got sued, and lost. The penalty was huge. Nearly put us out of business. We survived, but to help protect us from future suits we went on a patenting binge. Even though we had a basic distaste for patents, the game is what it is, and patents are essential in modern corporations, if only as a defensive measure. There was even an unofficial competition to see who could get the goofiest patent through the system. My entry wasn't nearly the goofiest.
    • Sun got a lot of heat for not going full open source early on (and there's a lot of disagreement over what "full open source" would mean... GPL? Apache?). But freedom is a funny concept. It's often a function of point of view: freedom for one could restrict the freedom of another. The freedom we were most concerned about was the freedom of software developers to run their applications on whatever OS or hardware they wanted. In opposition to that, the platform providers wanted the freedom to make their platforms as sticky as possible. Microsoft was the poster child for stickiness: they signed a contract saying that they'd support interoperability. Shortly thereafter they broke that promise by making it the case that if Java programs were developed on Windows, they wouldn't run anywhere else, so we took them to court and won. We were pretty careful about enforcing interoperability on desktops and servers. As an interesting aside, that commitment to interoperability is why Apple dislikes Java. Having OS X apps run on Linux or Windows doesn't make them happy. Apple wants to add your technological distinctiveness to their own.

      When it came to cellphones and JavaME, we weren't as able and successful at achieving interoperability. There were a lot of factors, but it all added up to pain for developers and a chilling of the software market. When Google came to us with their thoughts on cellphones, one of their core principles was making the platform free to handset providers. They had very weak notions of interoperability, which, given our history, we strongly objected to. Android has pretty much played out the way that we feared: there is enough fragmentation among Android handsets to significantly restrict the freedom of software developers.

    • Money was, of course, also an issue between Sun and Google. We wanted some compensation for the large amount we would be spending on engineering. Google did have a financial model that benefited themselves (that they weren't about to share). They were partly planning on revenue from advertising, but mostly they wanted to disrupt Apple's trajectory, and Apple's expected entry into advertising. If mobile devices take over as the computing platform for consumers, then Google's advertising channel, and the heart of its revenue, gets gutted. It doesn't take much of a crystal ball to see where Apple is going, and it's not a pretty picture for Google or anyone else.
    • Don't interpret any of my comments as support for Oracle's suit. There are no guiltless parties with white hats in this little drama. This skirmish isn't much about patents or principles or programming languages. The suit is far more about ego, money and power.
    • It's a sad comment on the morality of large modern software companies that Microsoft, while I don't think they've gotten any better since Sun sued them, probably has the high ground.

    It's tough living in a world of Borg-wanna-be's

    Posted by '김용환'

    Real Reason for Ousting H.P.’s Chief

    HP의 마크 허드가 쫓겨난 진짜 이유(NYT기사를 읽고)

    Posted by '김용환'

    Apache Timeout 개념

    scribbling 2010. 7. 14. 14:51

    아파치 Timeout에 대한 설명이 잘 나와 있음

    Timeout 300

    -The number of seconds before receives and sends time out.
    -The TimeOut directive currently defines the amount of time Apache will wait for three things:
      1.The total amount of time it takes to receive a GET request.
      2.The amount of time between receipt of TCP packets on a POST or PUT request.
      3.The amount of time between ACKs on transmissions of TCP packets in responses.

    Posted by '김용환'

    간단한 원리를 이용해서 스타일리 쉬 펜을 만드는 것.. wire 중간에 껍질 벗겨내는 장비는 첨 봤음..

    'scribbling' 카테고리의 다른 글

    HP의 마크 허드가 쫓겨난 이유 - 링크만 있어요.  (0) 2010.08.18
    Apache Timeout 개념  (0) 2010.07.14
    하이네켄 소셜 마케팅  (0) 2010.06.15
    총성과 다이아몬트 공략집  (0) 2009.08.03
    One world ticket by air plane  (0) 2009.06.16
    Posted by '김용환'

    사람의 마음을 잘 이해하고, 즐겁게 해주는 마케팅~

    'scribbling' 카테고리의 다른 글

    Apache Timeout 개념  (0) 2010.07.14
    아이패드 DIY 스타일리쉬 펜 만들기  (0) 2010.06.15
    총성과 다이아몬트 공략집  (0) 2009.08.03
    One world ticket by air plane  (0) 2009.06.16
    IELTS study  (0) 2009.04.28
    Posted by '김용환'

    'scribbling' 카테고리의 다른 글

    아이패드 DIY 스타일리쉬 펜 만들기  (0) 2010.06.15
    하이네켄 소셜 마케팅  (0) 2010.06.15
    One world ticket by air plane  (0) 2009.06.16
    IELTS study  (0) 2009.04.28
    외국 IT 기업 HR 담당자가 보는 사항  (0) 2009.04.27
    Posted by '김용환'

    'scribbling' 카테고리의 다른 글

    하이네켄 소셜 마케팅  (0) 2010.06.15
    총성과 다이아몬트 공략집  (0) 2009.08.03
    IELTS study  (0) 2009.04.28
    외국 IT 기업 HR 담당자가 보는 사항  (0) 2009.04.27
    Exciting baseball fence top 10  (0) 2009.04.22
    Posted by '김용환'

    IELTS study

    scribbling 2009. 4. 28. 13:38

    Q) Do you think online anonymity should be allowd or banned?
    In my option, online anonymity should be allowed to people. Each Indivisual can decide where or to remain anonymous. People have freeedom able to use anoymity, through that they can express their thinking, feeling and opition in free and in comportable. Anonymity should leave up to individuals, not their goverments or nations.

    Q) How do people feel about computer games?
    In Korea, the old tend to hate computer games, because of addiction of computer games. They belive that playing the games mean to failling into the games, and break the social system. On the other side, the young tend to belive computer games have a lof of merits which are helpful to make relations, friends and lower their stress. 

    'scribbling' 카테고리의 다른 글

    총성과 다이아몬트 공략집  (0) 2009.08.03
    One world ticket by air plane  (0) 2009.06.16
    외국 IT 기업 HR 담당자가 보는 사항  (0) 2009.04.27
    Exciting baseball fence top 10  (0) 2009.04.22
    m620(블랙잭) 설명서  (0) 2009.04.08
    Posted by '김용환'

    Channy( 님 블로그에 잼난 정보가 있어서 공유한다.
    외국 이력서를 읽을 때 고려사항이다.
    공부많이 해야 하는 구만요~

    이력서 쓰는 중인데, 왕 부담이 되는중...

    생각해보니까. 면접관이 되어본 적이 한번 있다. 내가 바라보는 관점은.. 다음과 같다.

    1. 우선 그 사람이 가진 스킬이 회사 직무에 맞는(필요한?) 사람
    2. 횡설수설없이 정확하게 자기가 어떤 능력을 가지고 있는지 설명하는 사람
    3. 실력과 겸손과 열정이 겸비되어 있는 사람
    4. 구현을 어디 선까지 해봤고, 무엇을 느꼈는지 말할 수 있는 사람

    Channy님이 추천한 웹 싸이트를 적어본다.

    'scribbling' 카테고리의 다른 글

    One world ticket by air plane  (0) 2009.06.16
    IELTS study  (0) 2009.04.28
    Exciting baseball fence top 10  (0) 2009.04.22
    m620(블랙잭) 설명서  (0) 2009.04.08
    괜찮은 오픈 소스 메신저 프레임워크  (0) 2009.03.18
    Posted by '김용환'